Last Tuesday was the swearing in of the 44th United States President, Barak H. Obama. It was an historic day in our history as the first African-American takes charge of the most powerful nation on Earth. The grounds were covered with over 2 million people as they watched VP Biden and President-Elect Obama take their oaths that cold East Coast mid-day. Obama's post-speech was good but not AMAZING. He is very well spoken and that in itself is already a step in a positive direction. I feel and hope good times ahead of us as we now sit in one of our darkest hours. He has a tremendous task ahead of him, we all do as Americans. People already attack him and his actions, they were attacking him before he started the job ... give him a chance. The course ahead for all of us is nothing but uphill and patience.
Weekly Update:
It's funny, even though this past work week was a day shorter due to the Monday holiday ... it sure felt like a normal work week, five days and all. It also got plenty hot at the start but then we shifted pretty fast into the rain and semi-cold. I think this upcoming week is suppose to be sunny and also the temps climbing back up into the cool-summer degrees. It was nice having the rain and chill for a very short bit (probably only lasted 3 days), it felt like winter there ... but not anymore.

Interesting weekend this time around as "Paul Blart: Mall Cop" was able to hold on to the #1 spot with an additional 21.5 million. New at #2 is the third installment of the "Underworld" series with Underworld: Rise of The Lycans with 20.7 mil, just shy of taking #1 but I guess it doesn't matter too much since both of the top two films are from the same studio (Sony). Popping up to #3 is "Gran Torino" with 16 mil and interesting it's in the top 3 after being snubbed for any Oscars. Holding ground at #4 is "Hotel for Dogs" with another 12.4 mil. Rounding off the top 5 is Golden Globe winner and Academy Award nominated "Slumdog Millionaire" with 10.6 mil.
New movies that did not make the top 5: Just one this week as the family action-adventure story of Inkheart showing up at #7 and earning 7.7 mil.
Quote of the Week:
"In my heart I know you didn't come here just for me, you came here because you believe in what this country can be. In the face of war, you believe there can be peace. In the face of despair, you believe there can be hope. In the face of politics that's shut you out, that's told you to settle, that's divided us for too long, you believe we can be one people, reaching for what's possible, building that more perfect union." - Barak Obama
Other News:

Happy Chinese New Year ..? I have no idea what day it is or when it is because it varies from year-to-year. It also varies not from a day or two, or even a week but from a month apart it seems. I felt like one year it took place in March, another year in February and I think this year it's in January but not to say March, Feb and January in a row. I do know that practically the whole of China shuts down for a week or two in celebration (which is pretty cool) and lots of firecrackers go off (so I like to believe). This is the year of the Ox ... what does that mean you ask? Well, it's obvious what it means ... the OX gets a year for itself! I have no idea what it means but what is interesting is that your astrological sign in the Chinese calendar is based on what year you were born where as the Western signs are based on what month. It is kind of fun if you believe in that stuff and I think the Chinese signs tell you what kind of person you are rather than what your future holds.

You blink over 10,000,000 times a year.
"God bless the Internet." - Eddie Kaye Thomas as Paul Finch in "American Pie."
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Tony, I'm a little behind on your blog. Last week I read all the way through "THE WORST of 2008" and part of "THE BEST." I WAS DIGGING IT. But of course, my free time ran out and I had to get a move on. But I had wanted to say that I recently learned of Psych and I'm a FAN. I enjoy it a long with MONK. What do you think of Monk? Awesome sitcoms. As for "Mall Cop", Jermaine wants to go see it. I'm happy to hear it's #1. WE LOVE the main actor. He's amazing. Have you seen it? Any comments on it?
I hate it when I see two comments in my box and then it turns of one of them was deleted!
BTW: that was me who deleted the comment!
Why? Because my brain was fried and I wrote crazy stuff.
And the worst thing of all is when you see 6 comments in your box and they turn out to be from the SAME PERSON.
Please don't block me from your website.
You are TOO silly ... hahahahaha
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