Weekly Update:
So this is kind of neat, I was on my way up to San Francisco on Wednesday and along the way stopped at the studio store on the Disney studio lot. Started to look around the store and there was a table set up with some people behind it signing some books. I looked at the first person and thought, "He looks really familiar." I paused a said to myself, "He looks like Roy Disney." and sure enough it was him! I couldn't pass up the opportunity since he was just sitting there and it was pretty quiet in the store (toward the end of lunch time). Went up and got a pic!
*Roy E. Disney- Very sweet and nice man, living legend in my book.
At the movies:

Music still sings at the box office as "High School Musical: Senior Year" takes the crown with another 15 million. New at #2 is the HI-larious comedy Zack and Miri Make a Porno with 10.7 mil to open. Dropping down to #3 is "Saw V" with an extra 10.1 mil. Showing up at #4 is the wide release of Changeling with 9.4 mil. I saw wide release because the film opened very limited last week so technically it is a new movie this week wide. Rounding off the top 5 is the horror/suspense of The Haunting of Molly Hartley with only 6 mil.
Quote of the week:
"There are a terrible lot of lies going about the world, and the worst of it is that half of them are true." - Winston Churchill
Comment Response:
I have no plans on seeing "High School Musical 3" because that would mean I would need to see 1 and 2. As for Palin, right now she is causing more harm than good for the McCain campaign. I think it is a guarantee that 4 years of a McCain/Palin presidency will throw this country into a full-blown recession in an overt sense rather than what is is now in a covert sense.

This Tuesday is the Presidential Election (as well as several measures and propositions both state and federal). Does your vote matter? To be honest most of the time it doesn't but in those rare occasions it can make a difference. I did not even bother voting in the last Presidential Election because 1) neither major candidate I wanted to see in office and 2) by the time I reached the polling place, all the votes from California were already decided so in reality, MY VOTE DID NOT MATTER! People say your vote does but let's be honest, 90% of time it doesn't especially in very large states like California, New York and Texas. However, the votes do matter on everything else besides the President. Regardless, you should still vote because you can say you did it and also if you don't like how something is working, you can at least say you voted the other way (if that is the case.) Also remember when you vote, KNOW what you are voting for. KNOW what the candidates mean and stand for instead of just voting because you like the way they talk. KNOW their policies and how they will effect you or could effect others you know. Simply KNOW the facts. Personally, I do hope we see history in the making rather than history being repeated.
Facts & Tips:

You have to play ping-pong for 12 hours to lose one pound.
"Sweep the leg." - Martin Kove as John Kreese in "The Karate Kid."
Winston Churchill---awesome man. I have to say, I am truly happy that Obama has won and I hope he will bring us good change. You've got to watch high school musical tony. next time I see you it will be with HSM 1,2,3 and duct tape in hand.
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