Weekly Update:
Work-wise it was another busy and stressful one but I expected as much knowing who was in the office and who wasn't. The start of the week was just insane but toward the end it got better. I attended another table read for The Simpsons TV show. Its amazing because they are working on the 19th season while the 18th is on the air now ... 19 SEASONS!!! With each season being on average around 22 episodes, that is 396 episodes (for the 18 seasons), simply amazing if you ask me and it all started off from humble beginings as little shorts on a TV skit program.
Sunday got to attend the Shrek The Third premiere. The movie was good but I liked the first two way better. I did get one snap of the day:
*Mike Myers- WAY cool guy, not much on words but he is awesome with his fans and took the time out to sign a bunch of autographs and strike a pose with me.
At the movies:

"spins a web any size, lookout ..." its no surprise here that Spider-Man 3 is #1 this weekend at the box office with a tidy sum of 148 million. Of course there is no where but down now but I am sure they are happy over at Sony with this number. With no new films next week, it should bring in another 60 to 85 mil next weekend. Holding in at #2 is "Disturbia" with another 5.7 mil. Staying in at #3 is "Fracture" with 3.4 mil and its pretty done in pieces. Also holding in at #4 is "The Invisible" with 3.1 mil suffering a big 60% drop for its 2nd week. Rounding off the top 5 is "Next" with another 2.8 mil and ready for the video shelves.
New movies that did not make the top 5: Only one this week who was dumb enough to open against Spidey, I guess WB figured the over flow would help them but with no other movies out there and SOOOO many screens, not a lot of sell outs. So new this week at #6, Lucky You with only 2.5 million which is a very sad number.
I also wanted to mention a little film that opened last Wednesday called Waitress starring Keri Russell and Adrienne Shelly who also wrote and directed the film before her murder back in November of 2006. Such a tragic story of her death and such a great film that is added to her legacy and having it cut so short. "Waitress" goes on to earn 111,114 being on only 4 screens which earns it a 22k per screen average for opening weekend. That is a great number for per screen average and hopefully folks will see what is being served up with this touching movie.
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This past April came to be one of the highest US soldiers killed since 2004 in Iraq. There is several things wrong with that and the first is being April when we are still being told things are getting better. Yet both military and civilian casualties are at an all time high! The second thing wrong with that is since 2004? 2004! That is 3 years ago! And its only the start of May and there is already 13 US killed in Iraq (as of 5/5/07). The situation continues to get worse and worse, month by month with no signs of improvment since day 1 of this personal grudge ... and becoming a forgotten time. And in all of this, the odd thing is that both military and civilian death toll way exceed the per year numbers compared to Saddam's reign. The country has gone from worse to even worse.
Democratic Presidential Canidate Barack Obama was placed under Secret Service protection. Personally at this point any Republican candidate that is running is purely for show. Not saying Obama is going to win but the Democrats should take the next Presidency in a landslide.
Facts & Tips:

The Library of Congress has 600 miles of shelves.
"We gotta go to White Castle."- John Cho as Harold Lee in "Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle"
It looks great
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