Weekly Update:
The week in general was kind of lowkey for me which is a nice change of pace. Some work drama but its almost expected now on a regular basis which is kind of sad really. But aside from all that stuff, it was a productive week work-wise and just overall ... nice. How long will it last? I don't know but it would be nice if it lasted longer than a day or two. OH, traffic!! Ok, what is the deal?? Lately it has been taking me anywhere from 2 hours to 2 1/2 hours to get into work. No accidents, no bad weather, no nothing ... what is going on? Are all LA drivers that stoopid they can't merge and/or change lanes without slowing down to 2 MPH to do so? I don't get it and it shouldn't be happening!!!
At the movies:

No surprise as Shrek The Third takes the box office crown this week with 122 million. It should enjoy this one week high because that is all it will get. Another 'no surprise' was "Spider-Man 3" taking the #2 spot with 28.5 mil and another huge 51% decline from its already fast dropping numbers. The web-slinger is all dried out with a fast burn. Holding ground at #3 is "28 Weeks Later" with 5.2 mil more. Staying strong at #4 is "Disturbia" bringing in another 3.7 mil. Rounding off the top 5 is "Georgia Rule" with 3.5 mil, that is 3 mil more than I thought it would make!
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The Prime Minister of Great Britian, Tony Blair, visited the US this past week for the last time as the PM. He served his country for over 10 years and served it well. His support for president Bush was his downfall with the war in Iraq and with the new PM coming in, I am sure the UK will be out of there completely very soon.
The fighting continues to worsen as well as the country goes from one civil war to several province wide conflicts. Several polls now show Al-Qaeda is gaining ground each day and more and more support for them as polls also indicate the need for US troops out of Iraq by Iraqi's polled.
Facts & Tips:
The only bird that can swim but not fly is the penguin.

"Leslie and I have an amazing relationship and it's very physical, he still pushes all my buttons. People say 'oh but he's so much older than you' and you know what, I'm the one having to push him away. We have so much in common, we both love soup and snow peas, we love the outdoors, and talking and not talking. We could not talk or talk forever and still find things to not talk about."- Jennifer Coolidge as Sherri Ann Cabot in "Best in Show".
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