Weekly Recap:
Was a semi busy week with meetings and then some events mixed in. Last Thursday night I attended the Southern California MS Dinner of Champions. They raised over 2 million from that night in the crusade to fight MS, incredible. The event was pretty long, as always, and this is only my second time attending. Still was fun and music from Frankie Vallie. I did get a couple of pics with:
Hosting for the past 14+ years, Byron Allen- pretty cool guy.
Jane Kaczmarek- Amazinginly friendly!
Last Sunday evening my uncle TJ passed away, he was a great guy and I remember him always taking care of me when I was little. The services were in Oceanside on Friday and it was a cloudy day. Apparently Uncle TJ was a famous chemist in the automotive industry. I knew he worked for GM but that was about it. He was a very kind and modest man ... family did come first for him. To me he will always be simply Uncle TJ.
At the movies:

Stupid wins the box office weekend, Jackass: Number Two opens with a healthy 28.1 million. Self torture is a spectator sport after all. Chopping its way to #2 this weekend is Jet Li's Fearless with 10.6 mil and what promises to be his last epic martial arts film. Hanging on for the extra point at #3 is the "Gridiron Gang" with an additional 9.7 mil. Flying in (but not flying high) at #4 is Flyboys, the story of World War I pilots reaching for a struggling 6 mil opening weekend. Yet another re-opening MGM hit movie, their streak lives on (sarcasm if you can't tell). Rounding off the top 5 slugging away is "Everyone's Hero" bringing in an additional 4.8 mil.
Other new films this week not in the top 5 is Sony's drama All The King's Men with a very disappointing 3.8 mil.
Q & A (or "comment response"):
I totally agree with "Blonde's" response regarding the space program and couldn't 't have put it better myself with "Visionaries and pragmatics working together to bring dreams into reality...", well said!
Also thought I would change this section from Q/A to Comment Response, makes more sense to me.
Other News:

Recently some additional research were conducted and the reports released that continues to support the fact that Saddam had no connections with Al-Q'aeda and the hijackers of 9.11 attacks. And on top of this, the president is now admitting that what he stated and believed to be true was not. What is even more depressing and saddening is we still have no exit plan in site and have over 130,000 troops in Iraq and still lose on average 2 a day ... these numbers are completely unacceptable because we clearly went in there due to someone's personal vendetta. And on the other end of things, we have bigger issues that are more pressing and immediate yet we do nothing (ie: North Korea, Iran, etc ...). Did you know in the month of September, 2006, there have been 58 US Soldiers killed thus so far, and 65 the previous month. Total confirmed deaths of US Soldiers since start of conflict is 2700 (13 pending confirmation).

Pennsylvania is misspelled on the Liberty Bell.
"Saw the whole thing, dude. First you were all like "whoa", and we were like "whoa", and you were like "whoa...""- Andrew Stanton as the voice (also Writer and Director) of Crush in "Finding Nemo"
Tony, I am sorry about your Uncle TJ. He sounds wonderful--like the rest of your family!
I've known a few people who own golf carts just for the heck of it. I find it charming. There's a store I sometimes pass on the freeway devoted entirely to golf carts; it's huge, too!
During the time the Liberty Bell was constructed, there was no standardized spelling of English. Whoever told you it was in error isn't telling you the whole story.
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