LABOR DAY SPECIAL EDITIONSo its Labor Day which means tomorrow is full of traffic and more traffic ... everyone fully back to work and schools in full swing ... greeeaaat.
Weekly Recap:
The work week was pretty hectic for me, was pretty tired. But the weekend was nice and relaxing, especially when you get an extra day to just sleep in ... that is always a nice bonus!
Yesterday I went to the California Speedway (formally the Fontana Speedway) to watch the Sony HD 500. Texas Instrument's DLP division invited me and it was pretty cool. It was hotter than Hades (well, 108+ degrees) but having a suite there made the difference for me between going and not going. Its freak'n Ontario/Riverside (or infamously The Inland Empire) where its always HOT!!! The DLP
car #96 driven by Tony Raines did not win or even come close but it was still a great time. We first met up at a Inn/Spa which was really nice and then they took us in on a big tour bus. About halfway to the racetrack we then got a 6 motorcycle Police escort, that was pretty dang cool. You could see all the people trying to see who was inside ... and it was just us. Once we got the suite, the driver, Tony Raines, came and talked to us, signed items and took a
photo with folks. Later on one of the co-owners of the race team came when the actual race started. He also did the autograph and photo session because it was former NFL Dallas Cowboy QB Roger Staubach ... all-in-all it was a nice day.At the movies:Since today is Labor Day, a movie update will be posted tomorrow as we continue "The Labor Day Special Edition".
Q & A:None at this time.
Other News:I watched (or tried anyway) the MTV VMA's (Video Music Awards) on Thursday night and I have to say ... man did they suck. The music acts were decent to good for the most part but so many of the presenters (if not all of them) either didn't get a joke or attempted to pull off a joke and simply failed miserably. The
only funny man was the host Jack Black and it was mildly humorous but I have to say it was the show that brought him down. It was simply a dead evening to watch, missed cues and at times couldn't even understand what people were saying. I will have to say, one cool highlight was watching the live performance of the band "OK GO" as they did their treadmill performance that is all over on the internet (link is from youtube of their original video, there were no clear VMA clips). Nice work guys!
Sad news hits the stands, animal lover and conservationist Steve Irwin passed away on Monday (Australian time) from a freak (and extremely rare) stingray barb to the chest while filming a new documentary. He was such a fun-loving, full of energy guy ... the big kid next door who loved his family, animals and life. He will be sorely missed as the world loses not only an entertainer but a dear friend.
Facts & Tips:
The top of the Empire State Building was originally built as a place to anchor blimps
"Ain't it great how they want to be your friend right after they rip your guts out?"- Jake Busey as Private Ace Levy in "Starship Troopers"
I feel sad about Irwin too.
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