Terminex Termite inspection came out last Wednesday and it turns out I do not have termites ... instead the furniture we got from Costco, the wooden support untreated slats under the bed have Powder Post Beetles. Never heard of these before till now so do not know much about them but they seem similiar to a termite however more destructive faster. It doesn't look like they have large nest of the sort but one of them seems pretty destructive. So now we are waiting to see what the options are and then giving Costco a call!
Thursday had another Young Variety mixer at Miceli's Restuarant, good times, raising money and mix/mingle! The place was very cool too so if you are ever in the Hollywood area, check it out!

TOUCHDOWN for Disney's Invincible, opening weekend scored a decent 17 million. Good word-of-mouth on this film so it should have a great Labor Day Weekend. Holding on to the #2 checkered flag is "Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby" with an additional 8 mil. Moving up the ranks to #3 this week is the artsy dark comedy from Fox Searchlight, Little Miss Sunshine with a staggering 7.5 mil. Its great seeing a movie move UP!! Chuggin on the #4 slot, WB's college aimed comedy Beerfest opens this week with a hang-over sum of 6.5 mil. Continuing the college crowd films holding in for a second week is "Accepted" on the #5 spot with an additional 6.4 mil. Other films that opened that did not make the top 5 are Universal's music jam Idlewild at #9 with 5.9 mil and New Line's second movie winner in a row (sarcasm in case you didn't get it), How to Eat Fried Worms at #11 with a disappointing 4 mil.
If anyone is keeping track, New Lines's "Snakes on a Plane" had a huge drop as it plummets to #6 this week with an additional 6.4 mil, that is actually lower than I thought it would do (7 mil). Again, the movie was over before it started.
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Other News:
This is interesting, the US and the current Iraqi formed government in Baghdad have both said things are going well and both stated the Iraqi Security forces are not only ready to take over but are leading operations against insurgents now. So this would explain the recall of over 7,000 marines to return to Iraq for a 4th (some 5th) tour of duty not to mention extending current

Looking at some current numbers: We have been there almost 3 1/2 years and total US Soldiers killed (as of 8/26/06) is 2,621 (daily rate of 1.6 killed over the last 14 days). Did you know the US was involved with World War II for 4 years? This is also kind of interesting ... US committed troops in WWII to number killed is 1.8% US committed troops in Iraq to number killed is 2.6% (and climbing).

William Shakespeare was born and died on the same day: April 23
"Do you get tired of being all that you can be?"- Neal McDonough as Jay Hamilton in "Walking Tall"
I read "How to Eat Fried Worms" when I was in elementary school at the recommendation of my big bro. It's not the sort of thing I would've thought of making into a movie, but pretty funny/gross at the time. I saw a microwave in the movie clip--these of course did not exist at the time of the book.
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