We sure don't know what is going on here with our weather. In this past week it felt like we went through all the seasons in a year (Or what you would consider normal seasons). Early in the week it was cool and crisp, like Fall. Then it got colder and had some rain with clouds, like Winter. Then it started to get a bit warmer, cloudy and nice ... just like Spring. Finally, it end of the weekend heated up and got in the 80's again ... just like a cooler Summer. How can this go so drastic from Monday to Sunday?

I discovered this new place down the street from me called Noodle St. What makes this place pretty cool is they make their own noodles there, almost made to order. I am sure they pre-make some but are fresh daily. Everything there was so good but the highlight was they have onion pancakes!! I love these things, they are so tasty and oily ... delicious. I could do without the oil but don't mind it since its usually sesame oil. But I can eat a pile of these things. I also like it when they take beef and role it with the pancake. Just have to ask no cilantro because traditionally they put a whole of it in there! It over powers everything you don't taste the pancake and you wonder if there is even meat in it! But glad they are near by and not to badly priced I can swing by and get some of my favorite onion pancake!

New #1 this week as Kingsman: The Golden Circle earns a decent 39 million. Almost right on target and as projected. Drop down to #2 is "It" with an extra 30 mil as it continues to close in at that 300 mil cume, could be a few more weeks. New at #3 is Lego Ninjago earning 21.3 mil, slightly close to predictions on this but does not seem to matter as merchandise sales will get a big bump for Lego. Holding on to #4 is "American Assassin" with 6.3 mil more as it slowly fades out. Rounding off the top 5 is "Home Again" with 3.3 mil, probably the last time we see it.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
Just one this week as Friend Request comes in at #7 with only 2.4 mil and no surprises on that one.
Quote of the week:
"The science of today is the technology of tomorrow." - Edward Teller
China is large enough to cover about five separate time zones, but only has one national time zone since the Chinese Civil War in 1949.
"I guess I don't know how to speak cheerleader!" - Vanessa Hudgens as Gabriella Montez in "High School Musical."
"I guess I don't know how to speak cheerleader!" - Vanessa Hudgens as Gabriella Montez in "High School Musical."
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