So the other day I was watching this video and the background song was so catchy. Now it was in Chinese but the tune was very mesmerizing to me! So, I found it and bought it on iTunes and its called Sorry Boss by Namewee. I don't know what they are saying but who cares, the tune is very toe-tapping as they would say and I can listen to it over and over again! I heard another of their songs, its almost like an alternative pop band but in Chinese. I guess I would compare it to like Blink meets Maroon 5? I don't know but I do love this song.

No big surprises this week but some movies did fall short. Still holding ground at #1 is "Dunkirk" with another 28.1 mil as it just surpasses the 100 mil cume. Still solid reviews overall and still an award contender this season. New at #2 is The Emoji Movie earning 25.7 mil and about on target. Reviews are poor on this so could be a very quick run. New at #3 is Atomic Blonde with 18.6 mil, slightly below expectations but not by much. Good reviews so it might have a bit more legs to run on. Holding at #4 is "Spider-Man: Homecoming" with another 13.5 mil as it closes in at 300 mil. Still a little bit to go but should see it within the next 2 weeks if not less. Rounding off the top 5 is "War for the Planet of the Apes" with another 10.4 mil as it reached 100 mil cume recently and may drop out very soon.
Quote of the week:
"It has been my experience that folks who have no vices have very few virtues." - Abraham Lincoln

Facts & Tips:
Norway once knighted a penguin.
"and that should protect in case of a giant squid attack." - Geno Segers as Mason Makoola in "Disney's Pair of Kings."
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