Weekly Update:
This past week was pretty quiet for me. Did not do too much except a couple of fun dinners with friends here and there. I wish most weeks were like this one but I guess you can't pick them like that and they just happen. Did get to see an friend from out of town which was nice, twice in fact before they returned home. Aside from that, not a whole lot to say ... nice? Well, times like these you have to savor because it can get so crazy on a turn of the dime ... is that even the right expression?! I guess one thing did happen, I saw a dog wondering the streets late one night as I was coming home. I tried to find it and did but it didn't come to me but instead, when the light at the cross walk turned red for people to cross, it went across the street! How did it know?! It wandered into a residential area where I then lost track of it but I hope he/she is safe and made it home. Made me realize though I need to keep treats and a leash in my car just in case.

Horror is back for the holiday week as the reboot of a franchise returns ... in at #1 is Evil Dead with a nice 26 million and producer Bruce Campbell at the helm leading the charge however not in this version. Slight drop to #2 is "G.I. Joe: Retaliation" with another 21.1 mil as it quickly approaches 100 mil domestic cume. Still holding ground at #3 is "The Croods" with 21.1 mil as well and passing the 100 mil cume mark with 125.8 mil so far. Re-issue at #4 as the 3D version of "Jurassic Park" earns a nice 18.3 mil which is almost pure profit for the studio. Rounding off the top 5 is "Olympus Has Fallen" gaining another 10 mil to close out the weekend.
Quote of the week:
"It's amazing that the amount of news that happens in the world every day always just exactly fits the newspaper." - Jerry Seinfeld

Legendary film critic Roger Ebert passed away this week. After a long fight with cancer and thinking it was in remission, it came back recently and Ebert posted that he was taking a "leave of presence" the day before he passed. His leave was more than likely due to the cancer returning and he didn't want to completely disappear, just write much less than what he was doing currently. Pulitzer Prize winning writer, he started his career at the Chicago Sun-Times 46 years ago and went on to do a TV review show with colleague Gene Siskel who passed back in 1999 due to complications with surgery. The show continued and the thumbs up and down became the standard and guide for all future reviewers. Many would argue that movies are review proof or they word didn't carry any weight but it does. They offered more than insight but reasons and years of expertise to support it. Of course no one is 100% correct but their influence still carried. The balcony is now closed and the legend is watching movies with his old friend Gene once again. Roger was 70.

The peach was the first fruit to be eaten on the moon.
"Every time I bring a girl over, you try to eat her! It's not fair!" - Matt Lanter as Edward Sullen in "Vampires Suck."
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