Weekly Update:
Pretty quiet week in general which was nice but I think it felt quiet because of the holiday the past Monday. I do like short weeks and I think we should change the standard work week to 4 days with a 3-day weekend ... I think that makes more sense and we can just work 10 hours a day instead. OR have a hump day and still work 10 hour days but give us Wednesdays off along with the weekend. I am good with either plans if someone in the government wants to make it official ... I will be happy to vote for it.

Kind of a quiet weekend at the box office but that is to be expected. In at #1 is the comedy "Identity Thief" wit another 14.1 mil as it closes in at 100 mil cume. New at #2 is Snitch with 13 mil and will probably end there. Doing well at #3 is "Escape From Planet Earth" earns another 11 mil. Holding ground at #4 is "Safe Haven" with 10.6 mil as it closes in at 50 mil cume. Rounding off the top 5 is "A Good Day to Die Hard" which is a substantial drop from last week with only 10 mil.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
Just one this week as Dark Skies comes in at #6 with only 8.9 mil and pretty much done before it started.
Quote of the week:
"It is better to have a permanent income than to be fascinating." - Oscar Wilde
Other News:
Sunday night was Hollywood's big event with the 84th Annual Academy Awards held at the now Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles. Overall the show was below par, the new host of Seth MacFarlane was luke warm at best. He presented himself well but the skits were just bad and the singing boring. Does he always have to sing now? I could do without it. No big surprises this year as everyone that won is pretty much what I would have picked and if not, I had 2nd choices which ended up being who won. Ang Lee for best director for "Life of Pi" was my 2nd place as I thought Spielberg would have won for "Lincoln." Daniel Day Lewis for "Lincoln" was my pic along with "Argo" for Best Picture since Ben did not get the director nomination. Jennifer Lawrence was my first pick for "Silver Linings Playbook" and Anne Hathaway for "Les Miserables" for supporting. "Amour" was the lock for Foreign Language and Christoph Waltz for "Django Unchained." For both Best Animated and short were obvious with "Brave" and "Paperman" so I think all in all ... I probably scored about 7 out of 8 depending on what categories one would pick to guess upon.

Hawaii is the only US state that grows coffee.
"Game over." - Betsy Russell as Jill in "Saw VI."
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