I know it is a day late but I have to say, there are some companies out there who have terrific senses of humor. For the past few years, ThinkGeek.com has been making up fake products you can't believe exist and at the same time, you wish they did! Kudos to them. Also, Blizzard Entertainment has done a couple of things in the past and for the gamer-geek, they didn't disappoint this year with the fake game mix of old classic games mixed with their library of games. I also heard the bag company Timbuk also created a dog carry-all which was funny. Now I know a bag to carry a dog exists but not one that is up to 200 lbs! And strapped to your back no less ... classic.
Weekly Update:

Not a very busy week for me but had some stuff going on. Had my tax appointment on Friday, that was pleasant and learned I will be getting back a nice little return from both Federal and State. Always good to get something no matter how big or small, at least you are not paying. I am just happy that I have so many deductions, they all help and add up. Then on Saturday I went to a poker tournament for a charity event at the Fox Lot. I didn't play but enjoyed the event and the food is always incredible. I even made a non-alcoholic cocktail so essentially it was freshly squeezed juice. The cool thing about this cocktail station, once you are done, you got a free hand-held pewter (or some cast metal) juicer with an engraving on it that you pick what you want to say. What a deal! Everything was sponsored and it was just such a great event to end the weekend on.

Not a big surprise at the box office as the juggernaut "The Hunger Games" keeps the #1 spot for its 2nd week in a row. Earning an additional 61.1 million put its already past 250 mil cume for the its first 10 days. However, the percent drop was somewhat substantial. New at #2 is the movie that shouldn't have been made nor it's original remake, Wrath of the Titans with 34.2 mil for its debut. Not a bad number but considering how much this film cost to make ... not a good number. New at #3 is the slightly comical version of Snow White called Mirror Mirror earning only 19 mil ... that was probably 15 mil more than it should have gotten. Slight drop to #4 is "21 Jump Street" with another 15 mil as this film is just shy of the 100 mil cume but no doubt will get it next week. Rounding off the top 5 is "Dr. Seuss' The Lorax" with another 8 mil as it zooms in on 200 mil cume.
Quote of the week:
"Race, like sex, is a subject on which it is near impossible to tell the truth. In each, desire, self-interest and self-image make the truth inconvenient to share not only with strangers (who may, legitimately or not, be viewed as opponents) but also with members of one's own group, and, indeed, with oneself." - David Mamet
Other News:

OK this is a good list I stumbled across, it is a little out dated (2011) but I think given the subject matter, it will still be relevant. Top 10 Overrated Filmmakers! #10) M. Night Shyamalan - great guy and incredible story teller but he had one hit which sparked his career and he hasn't been able to hit gold again. #9) Wes Anderson - not a fan at all of his films, they try to be obscure and artsy and just end up being ... boring. #8) The Coen Brothers - I think they have had a few good films here and there, I slightly disagree with this one. #7) George Lucas - BIG agree here and in fact, he should have been higher up on the list! He had one hit that he directed, the rest have been almost unwatchable. #6) Tim Burton - I liked his earlier stuff but since then, everything is the same! #5) Zach Braff - he's a filmmaker? #4) Dennis Dugan - I like most of his stuff despite it being almost ALL Adam Sandler films but he makes money. #3) Mel Gibson - as a filmmaker he seems fine and I don't think he is overrated in that respect. #2) Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer - many may not know the name but they are mostly responsible for all the spoof films which, are about 25% funny. #1) Tucker Max - who?

George Washington was the only unanimously elected President.
"Hello." - Bonnie Piesse as Beru in "Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones."
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