Weekly Update:

Not too bad of the week other than the weather being pretty cold but you know what, I like that! Mid week I went to the premiere for "Casa de mi Padre" which is the Will Ferrell comedy in which he speaks nothing but Spanish. It was amusing at best, I enjoyed it but for a very short movie, it felt really long. I think that may have been due to the constant reading of the film but that was part of the gimmick of the film. While there though, got some pics with:
*Brett Gelman- recently known from "The Other Guys" and a nice guy.
*Maya Rudolph- from SNL and "Bridesmaid" and very sweet.
*Fred Armisen- from SNL and a nice guy.
*Adrian Martinez- from the film "Casa de mi Padre" and a really cool guy.
*Efren Ramirez- best known from "Napoleon Dynamite" and from the movie, nice guy.
*Gael Garcia Bernal- from the film as well and an OK guy.
*Genesis Rodriguez- from the film and incredible sweet.
*Will Ferrell- star of the film and many more, great guy!
Over this past weekend I went to WonderCon at the Anaheim Convention Center. This is traditionally a convention that is in San Francisco but due to some remodeling, they moved it just for this year. It was a little under-whelming than I thought it would be but still interesting to go. Not sure what happened but I ended up helping Stan Lee and his crew (as well as being part of it) for a few hours. But again, interesting.

No surprise this weekend as comedy-action take the crown this week with a bullet as TV show gone movies 21 Jump Street earns a hefty 35 million for it's debut. With a slight drop to #2, "Dr. Seuss' The Lorax" earns another 22.8 mil as it passes the 150 mil mark. Average drop to #3 is "John Carter" with 13.5 mil as it struggles along in the domestic box office market. Bigger drop to #4 is "Project X" with 4 more mil as it tries to reach the 50 mil mark. Rounding off the top 5 is "A Thousand Words" with 3.8 mil extra as it barely breaks 10 mil cume!
Quote of the week:
"Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering you are going to die is the best way I know to stop thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart. Stay hungry. Stay foolish." - Steve Jobs
Other News:

With gas prices still on the rise (but slowing down) and the economy stagnate ... stumbled across this quick article that has 10 ways to save gas in your car in which saves you money! The is not in a top 10 list but just a list: 1) Brake Correctly - easy braking instead of a quick stop will help. Easiest way to do this is anticipate the actions of the car that is in front of the car in front of you (if you can) and that is something I happen to do. 2) Use Cruise Control - using this simple device does save a lot of gas however on surface streets or busy freeways, just not possible. 3) Shift to Neutral When Still - this does a few things including not using as much gas, reduces transmission strain and allows it to cool down as well ... another thing I happen to do! 4) Drop Extra Weight - take out heavy items you know you don't need in your car and wait till fill up your tank when you are near empty ... another thing I do as well. 5) Pick the Best Route - I think this one is obvious, know your routes. 6) Turn Off the AC - this is a big gas guzzler. 7) Remove your Ski Rack - that is just mass extra weight and causes wind resistance as well ... but I don't ski so doesn't apply to me. 8) Carpool - of course removing another car off the road helps everyone. 9) Check your Air Filter - This I didn't know, having a clean air filter can improve mileage by 10% 10) Drive Slower - for every 5 miles per hour you reduce highway speed will reduce fuel consumption by 7%

Twins have a very high occurrence of left handedness.
"Has it ever dawned on you it may be your uvula?" - Laraine Newman on the TV show "Saturday Night Live."
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