The Chinese New Year started this past week ... Tuesday ... I think? And it is the Year of the Dragon. Sounds pretty prestige's for some reason compared to a duck or rabbit ... is there a sheep? I don't know but it is pretty cool and from my understanding the whole country of China is in celebration and it lasts for weeks. Why is our New Year's only one evening and a day? I don't know, it seems like we don't care that much about ringing in the new year but then again, who knows how many holidays China has throughout the year. This could be it ... so I guess if that is the case, I would rather have them spread out over the course of the year than lump them all together.
Weekly Update:
Sick ... I hate being sick. The week itself was pretty quiet in general but on Friday morning I started to get a sore throat and through the weekend it seems like it got worse. On Sunday morning I had to use my fingers to help open my eyes because they were sort of encrusted together ... eww, gross, right?! I have no idea what it is but going to try and see a doctor today about it ... usually when I get a cold I can either fend it off or get rid of it within a couple of days and usually keep a cough for up to half a year but that is no big deal. This has stayed consistently bad with the congestion, slight cough and then add the eye junk, don't know what is going on. Some folks said there was a bug going around but was it like this?? I've heard of a flu-bug but this isn't a flu. Just make it all go away!!

The underworld rises to the top this week as Underworld Awakening earns the crown this week with 25.4 million. The historical drama of the Tuskegee Airmen of World War II soars in at #2 as Red Tails earns 19.1 mil. Dropping down to #3 is "Contraband" with 12.2 mil more. Big jump up to #4 from its limited release state is "Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close" earns 10.6 mil in its 5th week. Rounding off the top 5 is the action film Haywire with only 9 mil for its debut.
Quote of the week:
"We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Other News:

"At last ..." Legendary rhythm and blues singer Etta James passed away at the Riverside County Hospital in California on Friday morning after a battle with Leukemia. James started becoming more ill with other ailments a few months ago which caused to her to hospitalized but she eventually got better to be able to return home. During that time, reports started coming in of her pre-mature death. James' health started to decline back in 2010 and she slowly faded out of public life. She was a recording artist and has wonderful hits such as "At Last," Trust In Me," "Something's Got a Hold On Me," "Sunday Kind of Love" and "All I Could Do Was Cry." She was a pioneer in the music industry and even though her song "At Last" was often imitated, she had the angelica voice to make that song what it is today and forever will be ... priceless. She has captured a couple of Grammy's in the early 2000's and was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 1993. James was 73.

The Saturn V moon rocket consumed 15 tons of fuel per second.
"I love the Caribbean. Too hot to wear shirts, too hot to wear pants and we're two hot young ladies. " - Ashley Scott as Amanda in "Into the Blue."
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