Weekly Update:

This past week felt extremely short to me which I did not mind at all. I had to get a double root canal on Tuesday and after that I was pretty knocked out for the rest of the day. The reason I had to get the double was because an old root canal I received about 7 years ago from a general dentist went bad. And because it went bad, it infected the tooth next to it! This time I went to an Endodontist which is a specialist for oral surgery. I can not recommend going to a specialist over a general dentist when it comes to this. The surgery itself was pretty quick and painless, just the feel of my jaw after the Novocaine wore off, it was pretty sore. Had a little upset stomach too but that went away after a little bit. Then on Wednesday, I went back into the office of over a week away and working remotely. I can honestly say I do NOT feel rested at all and I think it might have something to do with my tooth issue. It didn't necessarily hurt, just the majority of time made resting uncomfortable. Well, maybe next year.

Horror kicks off the first full weekend at the box office as The Devil Inside scares up top honors with a hefty 35 million. Holding strong at #2 is "Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol" with 20.5 mil and now up to 170 mil cume. Also holding at #3 is "Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows" with 14.1 mil as it passes the 150 mil cume. At #4 is "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" earns 11.3 mil as it gets closer to the 100 mil cume mark. Rounding off the top 5 is "Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked" earns 9.5 mil as it passes the 100 mil cume mark.
Quote of the week:
"Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it." - W.H. Murray
Other News:

Here is a list for those gamers out there ... which I am one of! This is a classic ... top 10 Intellivision games, I am assuming of all time, so let's check it out. For those who wonder what Intellivision is, a console gaming system that came out after Atari which was suppose to rival it in the 1980's. It had a spin disk on the controller with a number bad while Atari had just the joystick with one red button. At #10: Diner - I do not remember this one but it looks like a human cook fighting off food. #9: Beauty & The Beast - Another one I don't remember, I believe based on the old TV show. #8: BurgerTime - This one I do remember and it was a cook avoiding burgers! #7: Thin Ice - Another I don't remember! But it looks like a penguin taking out other Artic animals. #6: Worm Whomper - I vaguely remember this but don't remember playing it. #5: Atlantis - If I remember correctly, you are a futuristic craft battling to save the sea city of Atlantis. #4: Bump 'n' Jump - don't remember this one either, car game with derby like action. #3: Demon Attack - some kind of craft trying to save the planet from demons from space! 2: Lock 'n' Chase - This I do remember, fun basic game of you being the robber as you are chased by Keystone style cops. #1: Astrosmash -a sort of Space Invaders version and it was so-so. The one game that did not make this list that I enjoyed the most and remember the most is B-17 Bomber. It was a WWII flight game but you can fly and shoot fighter planes as you make your way to the target and then you have to drop your bombs and hit. It had classic lines like, "That was our target ..." as you missed. Loved this game!

Antarctica is the only continent with no owls.
"P-p-please, Eddie! Don't throw me out. Don't you realize you're making a big mistake? I didn't kill anybody. I swear! The whole thing's a set up. A scam, a frame job. Ow! Eddie, I could never hurt anybody. Oow! My whole purpose in life is to make... people... laugh!" - Charles Fleischer as Roger Rabbit in "Who Framed Roger Rabbit."
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