Why is this the in-between edition? Well mostly because I was still traveling the start of this week and of course this coming Thursday is Thanksgiving. So in-between things that should have their own edition ... as well as Black Friday! To much and the holiday's are basically kicking in full gear. But, can't wait for the Thanksgiving meals because of all the trimmings ... I can either take or leave the turkey but I appreciate a good stuffing and that is hard to find because people tend to put all kinds of odds and ends in it. I simply like the breading, maybe a little finely chopped celery, herbs and spices and pour on some kind of gravy ... done!
Weekly Update:
This week wasn't as nearly as crazy as the previous but still was a bit busy. I did some fun stuff while doing a lot of work stuff so at the end ... I was tired. Aside from the end of my travels, I went to a special kick-off party for the Nickelodeon TV series Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness that hit the small screen last week. The animation is above par for a TV series originating from a movie and the comedy ... pretty good! While there, I got to meet some of the additional voices:
*James Sie - plays the voice of Monkey on the TV series and has done many other cartoons and some movies, great guy.
*Kari Wahlgren - plays the voice of Tigress and also has done many shows and movies like "Tangled" and "Bolt," and an amazing person!
Later on in the week, I helped out a buddy of mine with a computer set-up at Stan Lee's house. That was pretty fun to sit around and hear Stan tell story after story. What an amazing guy and very active for being 88, nearly 89! His house is nice but the view is amazing of the city.
At the movies:

No surprise at the movies as the 2nd to last installment of the vampire franchise takes the crown ... The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 earns 139.5 mil for its debut. No doubt it will carry on to be #1 next week for the holiday. New at #2 is Happy Feet Two with 22 mil to kick-off the holiday family fun. Big drop to #3 is "Immortals" with 12.3 mil, an above average percentage drop lately. At #4 is "Jack and Jill" with 12 mil as it makes its way out. Rounding off the top 5 is "Puss In Boots" earning another 10.7 mil as it gets to 122 mil cume.
Quote of the week:
"This is an impressive crowd - the haves and the have-mores. Some people call you the elites; I call you my base." - George W. Bush

Top 10 terrifying monsters of ... Disney? Of course! In almost all movies, you need a villain or antagonist to be the anti-hero to our hero and Disney has many of them. But is this list reflective the top 10 most terrifying? Let' see ... #10: The Kraken (Pirate of the Caribbean) - It is a massive beast but is it terrifying? I don't think so but we have seen a lot of kraken's throughout movie history. #9: Giant Ursula (The Little Mermaid) - in the start of the movie she was normal and then later became a huge behemoth that was pretty scary. #8: Cobra Jafar (Aladdin) - the wizard was pretty evil to begin with and he sure got worse toward the end. #7: The Nome King (Return to Oz) - never saw this one but doesn't sound too scary to me. #6: Monstro (Pinocchio) - the giant whale that eats both Pinocchio and his father which I didn't think was that scary at all. #5: Jubjub Bird (Alice in Wonderland) - Odd because this wasn't scary at all and just a pet. I think the Jabberwocky was MUCH more terrifying than this one. #4: Dragon Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty) - both a scary creature and moment in the movie. #3: The Hydra (Hercules) - another scary moment and creature. #2: The Firebird (Fantasia 2000) - never saw it but I associate this type of creature with a Phoenix and rebirth so not too scary. #1: Chernabog (Fantasia) - great scene bringing the night alive with his minions and without a word.
Facts & Tips:

The temperature of the sun can reach up to 15 million degrees Fahrenheit.
"Draper? Who knows anything about that guy, no one's ever lifted that rock. He could be Batman for all we know." - Rich Sommer as Harry Crane in the TV series "Mad Men."
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