What makes this a Leap "Year"?? Because of ONE day in February that has an extra day in the month. So instead of 28, it has 29 and then that makes the entire year a Leap Year which occurs every 4 years. Why isn't it just still a regular year and not called a Leap Month? Why do we even have that extra day every 4 years? Is it suppose to keep the calendar in line with something? If someone is born on the 29th of February, does that mean in 8 years they are only 2 years old? That would suck having to wait for a driver's license or being able to drink. Well, just seems like another day to me.
Weekly Update:
Yet another semi-quiet week for me and the cough ... I would say 25% better but still there. What is the deal!??! Been taking so many meds for it, just can't shake it off. I guess I will continue the meds but come on now! The worst stuff is this thick syrup I take at night, they try and make it taste good with mint or something but it just ends up tasting like really bad mint. Some meds you can disguise but others, nope! This upcoming week I have a busy one, so it looks like on paper. Maybe it won't be that bad but can't tell this early. I like the simple weeks ... I will say this for the past weekend, despite having a 4-day work week due to the holiday, it sure felt like it was a full 5-day week, even longer!! How does that work!? Each day just felt long I guess and when you wake up for the next day, you feel like it should be the end of the week already but it's not.
At the movies:

No surprise at the box office this weekend as the "reality" style movie of Act of Valor takes the crown with a nice 24.7 million. New at #2 is the ever popular Tyler Perry's Good Deeds with 16 mil. I wonder if he ever made a movie without his name, would it do anything? Slight drop to #3 is "Journey 2: The Mysterious Island" with another 13.5 mil as it makes it way closer to a 100 mil cume. Steady at #4 is "Safe House" with another 11.4 mil as it is just shy of the 100 mil mark. Rounding off the top 5 is "The Vow" with another 10 mil as it just passes the 100 mil mark with 103 mil cume!
New movies that did not make the top 5: We have two this week and honestly, not a surprise. In at #8 is the comedy Wanderlust with only 6.6 mil for its opening and the lust went out the door as soon as this movie started. Coming in at #9 is the suspense film Gone with only 5 mil to open. Pretty sad as this may be new comer studio Summit's last official film.
Quote of the week:
"A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials." - Cicero

Sunday was the big night for my industry, the 84th Annual Academy Awards, or The Oscars for short. Not a big surprise for the most part but the show itself wasn't too bad. I did notice a lot of really good commercials! Are the Oscars becoming like the Superbowl in that respect? Big winners for the night was "The Artist" for Best Picture, Original Score, Actor in a Leading Role, and Costume Design. A heart-warming "Hugo" ended up with a handful of more technical awards like Art Direction and Cinematography. No surprise for "The Help's" Octavia Spencer for taking home the gold for her supporting role. I was surprised that "Rango" won for Animated because I found that movie really boring. Even "The Muppets" won for Original Song however, they had a 50/50 shot at it since there was only 2 nominated this year! And for best Actress in a Leading Role, Meryl Streep who I thought did an amazing job as Margaret Thatcher in "The Iron Lady" however I thought the film itself was terrible, especially the pacing. For a complete list of the nominations and winners, just visit The Oscars home page and click around ... lot of ads and commercials, not a great page but has the info.
Facts & Tips:

The oldest living animal ever found was a 405 year-old clam, named Ming by researchers.
"You won't even know I'm here." - Jesse McCartney as Theodore in "Alvin and the Chipmunks."
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