This past Tuesday was the first day of Spring for 2012. Of course you wouldn't know it around here because it has been extremely cold! The nights typically in the 40's and just this past weekend had some major rain for Sunday with a few T-storms. Not sure what is going on but honestly, we need the rain (I always say that) but so many folks do not realize it and just complain. More water please!! Our river beds are so dry and what we get here, the mountains near us get in snow which is like water reserves for us because when they start to melt, the flow to us. So keep it coming but I know we aren't that lucky.

Not much of a week for me, had a bunch of small meetings and for some odd reason I had a buffet lunch on Monday and then another one on Tuesday! I was WAY too full and I don't know how that happened. I like buffets but not so close together because, well, that is just way too much food. I know I should only take a little but then it becomes a little of this, a little of that ... you just want to sample a lot too. One of the buffets was really good, an Indian place on Wilshire in Los Angeles. My first time there and it was really good. The Marsala and Samosas were so good I had to have a 2nd helping. I think what really put me over the top that day was the rice pudding. Usually not a big fan of this stuff because most places tend to put fruit or raisins in it but this was really good. Just rice and I guess very lightly sweetened coconut milk. I don't know what made this one so good but one tiny bowl was enough ... I mean it was a very tiny bowl but still so filling!
At the movies:

No surprise at the box office this weekend as all indicators pointed to who would win and by how much. In at #1 with a BIG opening is The Hunger Games with 155 million to open. Big drop down to #2 is the action-comedy "21 Jump Street" with an extra 21.3 mil as it quickly climbs to the 100 mil mark. Down at #3 is "Dr. Seuss' The Lorax" with another 13.1 mil as it passes 175 mil cume. Big drop to #4 is "John Carter" as it earns another 5 mil struggling to reach 70 mil but may end up short at the end. Rounding off the top 5 is "Act of Valor" with 2.1 mil more as we will probably see this one for the last time in the top 5.
Quote of the week:
"We can not have people in this country worried about criminals stealing their children for profit, and I will do my damnedest to stop it." - Michael Ogborn

This was something interesting I stumbled across the other days. 10 things you should buy in bulk. It is not in any particular order but let's check it out. 10) Toilet Paper - totally agree and it never goes bad. When on sale, buy a lot of it because it will come in handy some day. 9) Bottled Beverages - again, agree but depends on what they are talking about. Water is sound because again, it won't go bad and comes in handy in the event of an emergency. 8) Diapers - only makes sense if you have kids that require it but it is a good thing to have. 7) Dog Food and Treats - kind of the opposite of diapers but these are things that can spoil but the shelf life is amazingly long even past the expiration date. 6) Gum - if you like it, go for it but keep in mind gum might have other applications besides just having something in your mouth to chew. It does have a shelf life but another one that is very long. 5) Laundry Detergent - completely agree especially in those households that have a lot of people, bulk comes in handy and detergent doesn't expire but as it gets older the potency weakens but not enough you may even notice or just require using a little more. 4) Meats - if you can, great. If you have an extra freezer, then buying meat in bulk when deals come around is a good idea. The shelf life is much shorter but you save a lot on bulk and if you can vacuum seal, that will increase the shelf life even more. 3) Storage Items - this is referring to storage units to put items in ... unless it is something like a freezer or air tight, doesn't seem necessary. 2) Personal Care Items - I'm guessing they mean shampoo, toothpaste and the sort, overall a very good idea. 1) Paper Plates and Plastic Forks - although not ideal for the environment but in the case of parties or trying to save water it helps but then you are kind of doing the opposite in terms of landfill. Maybe not a ton but buying some of these in bulk is not a terrible idea.
Facts & Tips:

Most lipsticks contains fish scales.
"Bolt, zoom zoom!" - Miley Cyrus as Penny in "Bolt."
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