August flew by for me and it is already the first Monday of September or more commonly known as Labor Day. I do enjoy and hate this day for the following reasons ... enjoy because its an extra day of doing nothing which I do look forward too! I hate because that means come Tuesday and the weeks to follow is MASS traffic because of all back-to-school cars on the road again. My commute has been bad as it is to work (almost 2 hours) and now it will be around 2 plus hours. Well, the price we pay for living in So Cali.
Weekly Update:

The other day I went to see a movie with some friends at a regular theatre with a regular crowd ... I know realize now why I prefer special industry screenings or premieres now. Or even private screenings for that matter. So throughout the movie (which was a violent PG13) some couple had their two kids which were about under 8 years old. Overall they didn't bug you but about every so often they wouldn't be quiet. If they are not quiet, take them outside!! It is called courtesy! Then behind you have some other people whispering about every 30 minutes and saying, "Oh that is so and so" and "He was in that other movie." Ok, we don't need their film history and just enjoy the current movie!! Then the last thing was sitting in a semi-reclining style of chair and it squeaked with the slightest move. Old seat that needs just a squirt of WD-40. Granted I didn't have to pay for the movie but still ... people are annoying.

The crown continues to stay with "The Help" as it holds on to the #1 spot for the 3rd week in a row after 4 weeks in release. It earns an estimated 14.2 million for the 4 day holiday weekend. In at #2 is The Debt with a so-so 6 day opening of 12 million for its debut. This film opened on a Wednesday and probably should have come out later toward the end of the year. New at #3 is the campy horror film Shark Night 3D with only 11 mil for the holiday. Also new at #4 is the suspense-thriller Apollo 18 with only a 9 million opening and this lunar module had no splash down. Rounding off the top 5 is "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" with another 7.8 mil and reaching a cum of 160 mil so far with a little steam left to go.
Quote of the week:
"Wars are not paid for in wartime, the bill comes later." - Benjamin Franklin
Other News:

There is so much going on the news, it is hard to pick something to write about it. So much natural disasters in the news lately and people have blown most of it out of proportion that it makes you wonder ... is it a slow news day?? A week ago or so the East Coast had a 5.something earthquake which to us West coasters is nothing. There were not direct related injuries or fatalities although some say there was. There was this one youtube video that showed the devastation that the quake caused ... a couple of lawn chairs in a yard falling over. Seriously folks, if there is an earthquake with no visible damage and injuries, leave it at that and move on. There was also the hurricane that hit the Eastern sea board, Irene. Now this was more severe that actually caused some deaths and completely flooded a couple of small towns off the map in New York. The city of Manhattan in NY had evacuations which is completely legitimate because it is a sea level island with subterranean subways ... Ok, you have a sea-level metropolis with below ground mass transportation system that is surrounded by water. Does this seem odd to anyone else but me? Most of the outer subway system did get flooded but otherwise no other harm was done there.

The first TV soap opera debuted in 1946.
"The film industry is about saying 'no' to people, and inherently you cannot take 'no' for an answer." - James Cameron
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