Weekly Update:

Had a very busy week this past one and glad it is over. But it was also interesting at times but ended it over sadness (in the Other News section). But to being, Monday went to Cartoon Network to watch some reading for a show I have never heard of and one of the guest voices was:
*Mark Hamill - Luke Skywalker himself from the original three Star Wars films and a really cool guy.
Got a picture with him and he was kind enough to sign a couple of things for me for some friends. Then on Wednesday went to the up-fronts version for cable TV. Only attended and helped out with the GMC (Gospel Music Channel) with a panel they were holding and while there met a few folks:
*Eric Benet - Primarily a singer and all around cool guy.
*Erick Gluck - Young actress and very talented.
*Luke Schroder - Yep, the son to Rick Schroder from "Silver Spoons" and a nice guy.
What was kind of funny, I was THIS close to going to the Playboy Mansion afterwards for Playboy TV. How odd would that have been after being at the GMC panel during the day and end up at the Playboy Mansion at night?

Smurf happens! Big surprise at the box office this weekend as the fabled 3 apple high creatures from another realm take the box office crown! In at #1 are The Smurfs with 36.2 million which is barely enough to win this weekend. Under performing at #2 is the sci-fi action film Cowboys & Aliens with 36 mil. Big drop to #3 is "Captain America: The First Avenger" with an additional 24.9 mil as it surpasses the 100 mil mark. Average drop from week 2 to 3 is "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2" with 21.9 mil as it just passes the 300 mil mark for domestic gross. Rounding off the top 5 is the romantic comedy Crazy, Stupid, Love with 19.3 mil for its debut.
Quote of the week:
"The toughest thing about being a success is that you've got to keep on being a success." - Irving Berlin
Other News:
Friday afternoon I received a very sad text. One of my close friends had passed away that morning after a very short fight with ALS or also known as Lou Gehrig's Disease. Basically what the disease does is attacks your motor and muscles and depending how advance it is, deteriorates the nerves and muscles. He was originally diagnosed earlier this year around January/February and then about 2 weeks or so ago was admitted into a hospice or assisted care living. Every time I had a chance to talk to him before losing his ability to speak, he always had such high spirits and maintained his positive outlook on life. Even in his later e-mails, he continued to quote movies with me and reminded me that he was still there and missing our almost daily chats on the phone. He had such a love for life, his family and movies. He loved his life because of his family and friends ... he lived his life for the movies. It was rare of Joe to not know what movie you were talking about and give you the next line to a movie quote. His favorites were Star Wars, the original 3 series but he loved almost every movie ever shown on the silver screen. He was a collector of movie posters and varying movie odds and ends that studios would create to promote a film. One thing he always was on the look out for was things he could give his kids to enjoy. He was an instant friend the first time I started talking to him. That was just the way he drew people in and treated them, like family and your concerns outweighed any of his own. He was truly taken from all who knew him and taken from those yet to meet him way too soon. Joseph Depew, you will forever be a part of me and my life and your outlook and approach to life will always be an inspiration to me. Rest well my friend ... I miss you. (Pictured: Joe with one of his all time heroes who he credits as teaching him to read ... Stan Lee).

The average person spends two years on the phone in his/her lifetime.
"Yes sir!" - Bruce Mahler as Cadet Douglas Fackler in "Police Academy."
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