Yesterday was Father's Day, hope all the Dad's out there and soon to be Dad's had a terrific day. Probably a lot of ties given out, maybe some BBQ's ... interesting enough there are really no big sports events going on like a championship around Father's Day. One would think they would plan on that to give the Dad's a day to watch what they want and not be fighting for it. Well, who knows how that worked out.
Weekly Update:

Not to bad of a week, just very busy! I did have an interesting and fun time on Friday night though. I attended this Asian Theatre play at the East West Players Theatre in downtown LA called "Krunk Fu Battle Battle," yes, that was the title. Not so much Fu and next to none krunk-style dancing ... I don't think they know what "krunk" means because it was more hip-hop and break'n style of dancing. But essentially it was a musical with street dancing, singing and a storyline similar to that of "Karate Kid" meets a little "West Side Story" mix in some "Grease." The dancing was above average which is what I wanted to see, the raps were pretty good and the acting impressive. All the cast pretty much were doing all three throughout the play so I have to give them credit on a good job. Before and after the play I hung out a place right around the corner called Far Bar which is a very cool bar/restaurant that I wouldn't mind checking out again.

The hero takes the box office crown this week as expected. In at #1 is the Green Lantern with 52.7 million for its debut. I think this fell right were expected but will it have the summer legs as most hero movies have had? Slight drop to #2 is "Super 8" with another 21.3 mil as it draws closer to 100 mil. New at #3 is the chilly animal comedy of Mr. Popper's Penquins with 18.2 mil. Average drop to #4 is "X-Men: First Class" with 11.5 mil more. Rounding off the top 5 is "The Hangover 2" with 9.6 mil as it makes its way to 250 mil cume.
Quote of the week:
"Just give me the chance to choke." - Fuzzy Zoeller
Other News:

Top 10 Worst Blockbusters in recent history ... ok, this list is about the top 10 worst movies that were HUGE blockbuster hits at the box office ... let's see if I agree with it. In at #10 - The Day After Tomorrow (2004): I agree this movie wasn't that great but natural disasters seem to sell with amazing special effects. #9 - Armageddon (1998): Classic Michael Bay bad with an all-star cast and simply terrible acting, waste of a lot of talent. #8 - Waterworld (1995): This should have been higher up on the list!! Talk about long and boring ... classic Kevin Costner! #7 - Battlefield Earth (2000): This should be #1 on this list!!! From terrible acting, writing and special effects, this movie is completely unwatchable! #6 - Pearl Harbor (2002): Another Michael Bay classic that was 1 HOUR too long and the love story, unbelievably bad and to continue this movie with Doolittle's Raid was just idiotic! #5 - Wild Wild West (1999): A lot of amazing talent put to waste. Making a western with high tech gadgetry just didn't work. #4 - Twister (1996): Should be on the list for terrible Helen Hunt acting however maybe not this high on the list. #3 - 2012 (2009): Special effects on this movie made it redeeming and again, natural disasters with said effects sell. I don't think this should be on the list because it wasn't that bad. #2 - Speed 2: Cruise Control (1997): Never bothered to see this because the concept was just ... lame. #1 - Batman and Robin (1997): Problem with this movie was ... wow, where do I begun?

One alternative title that had been considered for NBC's hit "Friends" was "Insomnia Cafe."
"What about one guy, two guns?" - Brian Mahoney as Detective Duffy in "The Boondock Saints."
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