Weekly Update:
So a much quieter week for the evenings than the previous week. I only went to ONE event on Wednesday which was a bit on the amateur side but still fun. Apparently a film called "Boondock Saints" came out in 1999 and they celebrated their 10th year anniversary ... yes, 1999 and its 2010, I know I know but I didn't say they were very bright. But while there I did get some pics with some people you either A) MIGHT have heard of before or B) NEVER heard of before ...
*Sean Patrick Flanery- Best known from the "Young Indiana Jones Chronicles" and an extremely nice guy!
*Norman Reedus- From "Blade II" and more recently "Pandorium" also a like-able guy.
*Bob Marley- More of an stand-up comic and a pretty cool guy.
*David Della Rocco- Only been in "Boondock Saints" 1 and 2 ... but a nice guy.
*Brian Mahoney- Only a few things and no real big roles but still was a nice guy.
At the movies:

The blue people continue to rule the box office as "Avatar" earns another 30 million for the #1 spot. The film has surpassed the #1 spot of all time however the numbers aren't actually accurate if you account for inflation and such. If you adjust the numbers it would actually come in around 5th of all time. New at #2 is Edge of Darkness with 17.1 mil and the edge is closer than it thought. New at #3 is the rom-com When in Rome with only 12.1 mil to open and I guess the money all stayed in Rome. Hanging on to #4 is "The Tooth Fairy" with another 10 mil. Rounding off the top 5 is "The Book of Eli" with an extra 8.8 mil.
Quote of the week:
"Nice guys finish last, but we get to sleep in." - Evan Davis

I sort of feel like this past week was a very slow news week ... no lists to share, nothing exciting to note. Kind of weird but let me see if there is some general headline stuff. The Grammy Awards were held last night and to be honest, didn't watch or care. I heard Taylor Swift and Kings of Leon won some of the major stuff but don't listen to Swift and Kings of Leon are a really crappy band. I like the music of Kings of Leon but the lead singer ... sucks. Miss Virginia won the Miss America Pageant ... that is still going on? Do they still do the Miss Universe at all? The US Air Force plans on buying 1700 PS3's to build a massive super computer ... that is kind of cool and interesting but I wonder how you link that many gaming consoles together and to what purpose? I guess it is cheaper than building a computer of that size if you just buy 1700 pre-made parts. And that is the week in news ... zzzz.
Facts & Tips:

The bullfrog is the only animal that never sleeps.
"Hurry, David." - Julie Adams as Kay Lawrence in "Creature from the Black Lagoon."
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