Weekly Update:
I must say this past week was ... nice! Besides the lack of sleep it was a very quiet and non-eventful week which is always good to have in the mix to rest and recovery ... and just do stuff that means nothing. Besides that, the weather dropped a lot during the day and even more so at night. It is almost time for the heat to go on but we can hold off a little bit longer to save a little bit of money on the electric bill. This next week will be very short work-wise due to Thanksgiving and you bet I am going to stay home as much as I can over the rest of the week and avoid any stores or malls like the plague ... THE PLAGUE!!
At the movies:

No surprise at the box office as the 2nd installment of the Twilight Saga sucks up top honors this weekend ... The Twilight Saga: New Moon earns a hefty 140.7 million in just its first 3 days. No surprise as it past 100 mil, the real question was just how far! In at #2 is the drama The Blind Side with 34.5 mil and it would suggest that Sandra Bullock is on a little bit of a buzz this year at the box office. Holding ground at #3 is "2012" with an extra 26.5 mil as it passes the 100 mil cume mark. New at #4 is the animated comedy Planet 51 with only 12.6 mil as it is well below expectations. Rounding off the top 5 is "Disney's A Christmas Carol 3-D" with 12.2 mil as it crawls its way to 100 mil.
Quote of the week:
"Hollywood, that's where I could've gone if I wasn't such a punk. If I just learned to bend over and say thank you a little more politely, it could've been great." - Mitch Ryder

Top 10 worst video games ... made into movies!! Now here is another fun list and you find yourself asking, "why did they make that??" This list doesn't necessarily seem to have a cohesive order but I think it does go the way I am presenting it ... in at #10) In the Name of the King - not a great game by any means and not a great movie. #9) Silent Hill - horror game into horror movie so since it is horror, I didn't see the movie. I know it did well at the box office but not great. #8) Bloodrayne - I heard this movie should have been made for a TV-movie rather than a full production movie. I didn't know the game was that popular either. #7) Dead or Alive - never played it or seen the movie but looking at the numbers, it was a box office fiasco! #6) Alone in the Dark - another horror based video game, pass. #5) House of the Dead - I liked the game but I heard this movie was quiet the opposite. If movies cost a quarter like the old days of video games ... save the quarter. #4) Wing Commander - now I LOVED this game when it first came out and when they expanded it and you can play either human or cat-people, cool! I saw part of this movie ... I LOVED this video game! #3) Street Fighter - Was never into the 1-on-1 fighting games but I did see this movie and thought it was ... OK. Sad part is that I think it was one of Raul Julia's final films before he passed. #2) Double Dragon - ok the game was lame and the movie (unlike most movies) followed the game! And at #1 ... Super Mario Bros. - Yeah, I have to agree with this as being the worst movie from a video game yet the game was fun ... sad.
Facts & Tips:

The oldest know animal was a tortoise, which lived to be 152 years old.
"Hey... knock a self a pro, Slick! That gray matter backlot perform us DOWN, I take TCB-in', man!" - Al White as Second Jive Dude in "Airplane!"
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