I was expecting some rain but got like 16 drops of water on my windshield. I heard San Diego got some heavy showers, I think they stole some of ours!! The weather overall here was pretty good during the day. Funny, it read in the high 50's for temps but the sun was out and bright it felt like it was probably around 70. Of course as soon as you stood in the shade or had a breeze hit, then it felt like 50's!! The nights were COLD ... I think we are in winter mode now yet it isn't technically winter yet for a few more weeks. I like the cold, just wish we had gotten some rain with it thought, that would have been nice.
Weekly Update:

Kind of a slow week for me again but this upcoming one looks to be filled with stuff ... it must be December soon. Had Thanksgiving at my friend's family house which is now a tradition going back several years, at least 10 that I can remember and most definitely more. I think I only missed one or two Thanksgivings in that time for one reason or another but it is pretty consistent for the most part. Of course filled up on turkey and stuffing ... mmmm, stuffing. I do like me some stuffing with some gravy on top. Just give me a bowl of stuffing with gravy and I will call that a meal! I did do some shopping before and after Black Friday, it wasn't that bad but then I went to places like Costco and Home Depot, your not-so-typical retailers where you would find the people who were camping out the night or two before to be first on some deals. Those people who camp out at stores to save a few bucks, I call them ... crazy.

No surprise this holiday weekend as "The Twilight Saga: New Moon" takes the crown again earning an additional 42.5 million and now a shocking cume of over 230 mil in its first 10 days! There has to be a record in there somewhere. Holding stronger at #2 is "The Blind Side" with another 40.1 mil to add and break 100 mil in its first 10 days as well. Hanging in to #3 is "2012" with another 18 mil for its 3rd week. New at #4 is Old Dogs with a 5-day opening of only 16.8 mil. This is well below expectations for a family film during this time. Rounding off the top 5 is "Disney's A Christmas Carol" with another 16 mil as it finally breaks 100 mil cume.
New movies that did not make the top 5: We have two this week which neither are surprising at their numbers. In at #6 is the no-talent-name action film Ninja Assassin with a 5-day opening of only 13.1 mil. Semi-new at #9 is The Fantastic Mr. Fox with only about 6 mil to open. This film did open limited a couple of weeks ago and this holiday was its big weekend of ... nothing.
Quote of the week:
"How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a weary world." - William Shakespeare
Other News:

So there is "Black Friday" and I guess now "Cyber Monday" ... why? At least I did not hear of any shopping related deaths this year in the news unlike last year at a couple places like Wal-Mart. And I understand the term "Black Friday" but what I don't get is why "Cyber Monday" when it seems like in reality that it should just be Cyber December. I think folks shop online more than just Monday and I am also sure Monday is not the biggest day of selling. Nor is it the start of online shipping since almost every retailer had deals going online that Friday as well. So to me the term neither makes sense nor is correct yet they talk about it like it is the next phase in this yearly holiday shopping. How about just calling it "Black Cyber Friday" as it seems more and more sales are being shifted to online anyway as people prefer the comforts of their own home.

The average woman consumes six pounds of lipstick in her lifetime.
"You know, a lot of people don't realize that bushes, just like flowers, emit a wonderful aroma especially at night. Who wants to sniff this bush?" - A.D. Miles as Martin Gary in "Role Models."
I wish I could chat with you about how movies get scored. I get it but I want to know DETAILS. Next time I'm in Cali. So have you considred watching the Twilight series already??? Just so you can have better perspective in your field?
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