Weekly Update:
Another semi-quiet week which is always nice. As I am still on the mend, I take them as I can get them. One thing that has really started to annoying me is when you are watching a movie on TV or just a TV program and then an ad pops in along the bottom. Two things that these ads are and that is simply so annoying and distracting. Another thing is if the program has subtitles, you just missed a section of dialogue! Here is another thing that really bugs me, when the ad is louder than the scene!! What is the deal with that? There are some shows now that I refuse to watch because their stupid ad interfered with my program! STOP IT!
At the movies:

The "list" tops the box office list as The Bucket List comes in with 19.5 million in its wide release debut. Coming in the #2 spot is First Sunday with 19 mil. At #3 and up another 53% at the box office is "Juno" with 14 mil and steadily making its way to the 100 mil mark. Slight dip to #4 is "National Treasure: Book of Secrets" with 11.5 mil. Rounding off the top 5 is "Alvin and the Chipmunks" with an extra 9.1 mil and has actually made more money total than "National Treasure 2" with over 187 mil cume.
New movies that did not make the top 5: In at #9 with only 4.4 mil is the children's film Veggie Tales: The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything and so did the movie. I am sure it will pick itself up on the home video market ... probably should have gone straight to video actually. Another movie that should have gone straight to video is In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale (careful with this site link, it wants to install on your computer yet its the official movie site) with only 3.3 mil and takes the honor of the #14 ranked movie for its debut. I can already tell from a movie with a name this long ... usually the number of letters will outweigh how much money it brings in.
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The annual Golden Globe Awards came and went on Sunday ... and did anyone really miss them? Due to the WGA strike going on, the actors (for the most part) refused to participate in the program this year so they made it a "press conference." I watched a little bit of it and it was pretty boring but very fast! I do have to say that it is kind of bad form for everyone to be like this and make the globes what they are this year. These awards are from the foreign press, I think they are missing the boat and "punishing" the wrong people. It was also estimated that the city and everyone involved lost around 80 billion in revenues and I am sure a lot of businesses and workers who depend on this event were hit the hardest ... and for a reason that shouldn't effect this particular event.
Facts & Tips:
Emus and kangaroos cannot walk backward.

"It's a television commercial. With this cartoon leprechaun, and all of these children are trying to chase him, "Hey, leprechaun, leprechaun man, we want to get your lucky charms." Oh! And there are these little tiny pieces of mashmallow just stuck right in the cereal. So when the kids eat them they think, "Oooh this is candy, I'm having fun!""- Mindy Sterling as Frau Farbissina in "Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery."
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