Last year I did a special section for some of the "Best of" for 2007. This time instead of a section I thought I would dedicate a whole post to it. The choices and/or sections are completely random and just things I found fun or annoying.
WORST of 2007:

TV Shows:
Reality (non-competition) TV Show: The Real Housewives of Orange County (Bravo) - Talk about one of the lamest shows ever.
Reality (competition) TV Show: Survivor: China (CBS) - Why is this still on???
Drama Series: CSI: Miami (CBS) - The main character makes the show ... boring.
Sci-Fi: The new Flash Gordon (Sci-Fi) - Feels like its all being done so cheap.
Re-made series: The new Flash Gordon (Sci-Fi) - Could have been done so much better.
Over-rated personality: Tie between two! Rachel Ray (Food Network) and Tila Tequila (MTV) - Both should not be on TV, one is overly annoying and the other is not attractive ... you can pick which one is which.
Movies (Based on what I have seen):
Big Picture Film: Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (Disney) - Bit of a shock how bad this film was and it felt like 5 hours too long.
Children/Family Film: Shrek the Third (Dreamworks/Paramount) - It wasn't TERRIBLE but it wasn't great ... it was boring for the most part.
Foods and Restaurants:
Restaurant Service: Sam Woo's in Irvine, CA - Unfriendly, not attentive and poorly operated.
Best of 2007:

TV Shows:
Reality (non-competition) TV Show: TIE between Little People, Big World (TLC) and Dirty Jobs (Discovery) - Talk about two fascinating shows to watch and even learn about something.
Reality (competition) TV Show: TIE between The Amazing Race Season 12 (CBS) and Top Chef (Bravo) - Amazing Race is just a great show and has won so many awards while Top Chef is one of the better cooking competition shows out there.
Drama Series: Heroes (NBC) - Starting to get a little bit "out there" but fun to watch for now.

Sci-Fi: Stargate: Atlantis (Sci-Fi) - Not sure how much more this show will go for but I am enjoying it while I can.
Re-made series: Iron Chef America (Food Network) - Not as camping as the original but still fun to watch.
Under rated personality: Mike Rowe (Discovery Channel) - His show "Dirty Jobs" is a great and interesting look at things we don't want to do.
Movies (Based on what I have seen):

Big Picture Film: Transformers (Paramount) - I loved the fact how this movie made fun of itself at times but high action was great!
Action Film: 300 (WB) - A interesting and intense version of the legendary battle.
Comedy Film: Tie between Wild Hogs (Disney) and Norbit (Paramount) - Both were cute and fun to watch.
Children/Family Film: Ratatouille (Disney/Pixar) - This one took me by surprise. Its a fun movie to watch although it does have some moments that may be too intense for kids.

Mexican Food: Again Gordo's in San Francisco.
Greek Food: Authentic eats at Papa Cristo's in Los Angeles.
Chinese Food: For the good stuff it has to be Hop Woo in Los Angeles, CA. The parking is bad but the food is great.
Ribs: I still haven't found anything to top Blues City Cafe in Memphis with their meat-fall-off-the-bone ribs.
Cupcakes: This one still goes to Sprinkles.
Potato Salad: Oddly enough but it has to go to Costco brand.
Lettuce Wraps: Still has to be P.F. Chang's, I could eat these as a meal all on itself.
Pastrami Sandwich: Still goes to The Hat, it must be the dip they use.
So that is this year's list. Some categories may be in the "Worst" but not in the "Best" and vice versa but that is just how it works out.
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