Weekly Update:
A week of holiday cheer and a week of sadness. Last Friday night someone I knew for a very brief time, but still made an impact on me, was a former co-worker that was killed in a car accident. From the story as I know it, her and her boyfriend were coming home at 1 am when a drunk driver ran a red light hitting their car. Both the boyfriend and my friend were killed but the drunk driver survived the accident. Such a senseless tragedy for such a young women with a remarkable career that she just found. She was definitely going to make a huge name for herself in our industry only to have it cut short by stupidity. She will be greatly missed and I thank her for the short time I got to know her.
At the movies:

New movies that did not make the top 5: Just one this week in wide release. In at #6 is Perfect Holiday with only 2.96 mil making it fall just barely short of the #5 spot.
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None at this time.

Music legend Ike Turner passed away last week at the age of 76. Led by a life of hard rock, hard drugs and hard alcohol along with an abusive marriage to another music legend, Tina Turner. He passed away peacefully in his California home.
Facts & Tips:
A turkey can run at 20 mph.

"You're a doctor and Mom's a lawyer, and you're both successful in everything and that's great! But maybe I was born to be a regular person and have a regular life. If you weren't a doctor, I wouldn't love you less, because you're my dad. So rather than feeling disappointed because I'm not like you, maybe you should accept who I am and love me anyway, because I'm your son."- Malcolm-Jamal Warner as Theodore 'Theo' Huxtable from the TV series "The Cosby Show."
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