The first Monday of the new year and ... it feels like the last Monday. Did get some rain finally but from what the news and weather were describing was coming in, it sounded like a monsoon was about to hit. Fire stations were offering sandbags, telling folks to cancel travel plans and just stay indoors, and constant flash flood warnings. In reality, we just got wet and now the rains are more or less over for the time being. Kind of a let down if you ask me.
Weekly Update:
This past week was pretty quiet. I visited with some friends and played a bunch of fun board-style games. Went to work for a couple of days since it was a short week due to the New Year falling on a Tuesday. January is a good month if New Years falls on a weekday because then we will have MLK day and it makes the month shorter ... for work that is. I like the extended weekends every now and then. I have said this before and I will say it again, each month should have at least one 3-day weekend to break up the routine a little.

Holding down the fort at #1 for its 3rd week in a row is "National Treasure: Book of Secrets" with another 20.2 mil and now at the 170 mil cume. Slight rebound to #2 is "I Am Legend" with an extra 16.4 mil. Heading up the charts at #3 is the small film "Juno" with 16.2 mil and has reached the 50+ mil mark which is amazing for these smaller films. Most do not even seen past 3 to 5 mil it their lifetime. Still singing in at #4 is "Alvin and The Chipmunks" with another 16 mil and making its way to 200 mil cume. Rounding off the top 5 is the suspense/thriller One Missed Call with 13.5 mil, not a great number but respectable for this time of year.
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Other News:

(Democrat) and Mike The US Presidential Caucus' got underway last week as Barack ObamaHuckabee (Republican) took the wins in Iowa. With New Hampshire just a day away, still anyways call this early in the game. Who are the favorites? A lot of places and sites will tell you different things and who will win here and there based on polling and projections. Really a tough call to say in my opinion but I can for certain say who we will NOT see come the actual race for the White House. On the Democrats side it feels clear that Joe Biden will fall out, his presence just isn't strong enough to make an impact. Bill Richardson is just as weak as well. The Republicans have nothing but an uphill battle in this election and I do not see us having another Republican President in office next. Eventually falling out I see Fred Thompson, although a good politician he just doesn't seem to want it enough. Ron Paul has too many bad policies and is a very weak presence in the ring. Good ol Rudy Giuliani, although loved in NY and all around good guy, again presence is not presidential enough. NO WAY will John McCain come close although he probably believes he will be. Saw him on a few debates and interviews and clearly he will not even come close.

Flamingos are pink because they eat shrimp.
"Jesus, Oz! What the hell are you doing? She's a Buttercup Scout."- Natasha Henstridge as Cynthia Tudeski in "The Whole Ten Yards."
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