This Tuesday marks the 17th Anniversary of the tragic events of 9/11 when the US was attacked on the East Coast from terrorism. Waking up to news reports from the clock radio, thinking it was some kind of really terrible joke from the DJ and hitting snooze to only learn it was actually happening. This was before social media so no one was posting or texting what was going on but when I realized it wasn't a joke, ran to the TV and was in utter shock. A day that will never be forgotten.

It was a fairly nice and quiet week. Weather starting to cool down which is awesome ... and just a steady normal week as normal it can be (I guess?). I have no idea what this picture is of but ... its both weird and cute at the same time. Maybe its like a animated square marshmallow? Or just some random object with a face on it that that has arms (or legs?) and ears. No nose, just ears and a pink top that looks like it would be a toupee if this was a real person

Scary takes the box office this weekend as The Nun earns a hefty 53.5 million! Above expectations with a solid ad campaign. On track to break 100 mil when it is said and done. Dropping down to #2 is "Crazy Rich Asians" with 13.6 mil as it slowly climbs to 150 mil cume. New at #3 is Peppermint with 13.3 mil and right on target. Holding at #4 is "The Meg" with another 6 mil and still swimming around a bit. Rounding off the top 5 is "Searching" with 4.5 mil as it starts its decline from the one week pop it got.
New films that did not make the top 5:
Just one this week as God Bless The Broken Road takes #11 with only 1.6 mil to open and actually pretty much as expected as well.
Quote of the week:
"The past cannot be cured." - Elizabeth I
The only lizard that has a voice is the Gecko.
"Bane is feeling warm and fuzzy!" - Doug Benson as Bane in "The Lego Batman Movie.
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