And still no rain ... how sad. But they say starting Monday through the rest of this coming week, RAIN!!! So, we will see how it looks because all weekend it was very clear, also a bit dry and semi-cold. Even at night this week it did not get that cold which suprised me because the week before it felt like it was going to freeze over ... if we had any water to freeze over with. But it was at least, what I call "see your breathe" weather which has simply been very rare this past couple of years. Something is not right and it is getting worse. But hopefully things will turn around for that, who knows.

Another holiday and another day of really not doing much again. Holidays and regular days really seem to just merge together for me. I just stayed in for New Year's Eve and wanted to avoid all the crazy drivers out there. Plus I was just plain lazy. No party invites which was just fine for me plus I had to be up early Friday morning by 7AM so it did not seem wise to go out and do anything anyway. So the couch and TV won which I feel asleep on for part of the night, woke up to walk to bed and then went to sleep till midnight struck and fireworks started to go off around town. Thanks, that woke me up and started to scare Orion out of his mind. He was shaking so bad which seems really odd because he has heard fireworks before, not sure why this effected him so badly. Poor puppy, he snuggled up so close and it felt like I had a vibrating pillow. The next day he was good though and slept a lot, probably because he did not get much the night before.
This happened last minute! Received an invite to a special screening event but it turned out to be a small party of about 30 people. Among the guest who I was able to get a photo with included:
*Jason Segel - Best known from the TV show "How I Meet Your Mother" and a really great guy!
*Saul Rubinek - I know him best from a couple of episodes of "Stargate SG-1" and a nice guy.
*Sean Penn - award winning and all around nice guy.
*Jack Nicholson - need I say more ... awesome guy.

The New Year weekend started off with some great numbers as it
traditionally is a slow time with award season and folks in general just
getting back from vacations. Leading the way for the third week in a row
is "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" with another 88.3 mil and a below
average drop. It is now at 740 million domestic cume and
slightly on par to be shy of a billion when it is all said and done. Worldwide
it is now at 1.5 billion and holds the #6 spot for all-time record. It
should overtake #6 (Furious 7) and #5 (Marvel's The Avengers) spot in a matter
of days while being in striking distance to #3 (currently Jurassic World).
Holding ground at #2 is "Daddy's Home" earning another 29 mil
and now very close to the 100 mil cume club. Another strong showing
for this comedy with a very low drop from last week. New at #3 is The Hateful Eight with 16.2 mil and almost right on target for our
predictions. Many had it much higher but it just did not feel like it.
Increasing in box office from last week is "Sisters" in the #4
spot with an extra 12.6 mil. Rounding off the top 5 is "Alvin and
the Chipmunks: The Road Chip" with another 11.8 mil and after this week
should drop pretty fast.
"They can conquer who believe they can." - Virgil
Quote of the week:

Facts & Tips:
Ancient Chinese warriors would show off to their enemies before battle, by juggling.
"Hi! My name is Brad Majors, and this is my fiancee, Janet Weiss. I wonder if you'd mind helping us. You see, our car broke down a few miles up the road. Do you have a phone we might use?" - Barry Bostwick as Brad Majors - A Hero in "The Rocky Horror Picture Show."
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