This may sound dumb or petty but I have noticed a lot lately that when I go to a website, say for example my mobile device site to access my account, there is a little box when I log in that says "Remember Me" thinking by clicking on that, the next time I come to the site I do not need to log in or put in all my information again. Nope, the only thing it does is remember that the box is checked mark and I still have to input my user name and password. I also noticed it with several other sites and it still requires me to input the user name and password. What is wrong with this box that it does not remember me or anything?? So what is the point of that little box to check mark if it will not work and I have to keep re-entering my information? USELESS I tell you, useless!

The box office this weekend was as expected as "Spectre" takes the #1 crown for the 2nd weekend in a row earning an extra 35.4 million and well over 100 mil cume. A healthy road to 200 mil cume domestic. Also holding its spot at #2 is "The Peanuts Movie" with another 24.2 mil as it is shy of 100 mil cume. It should get there by the end of next weekend but overall a solid performance for this dated cartoon subject. New at #3 is Love the Coopers with 8.4 mil and almost exactly on predictions for this early holiday film. Still showing life at #4 is "The Martian" now in its 7th week earning another 6.7 mil and past the 200 mil cume mark. Continues with a lot of strong buzz and a solid award contender this year. Rounding off the top 5 is The 33 with 5.9 mil and slightly below expectations but not surprising at all.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
Just one wide release as My All American goes out with over 1500 screens and shows up at #12 chiming in with 1.4 mil and soon to be out of theatres pretty soon.
Just one wide release as My All American goes out with over 1500 screens and shows up at #12 chiming in with 1.4 mil and soon to be out of theatres pretty soon.
Quote of the week:
"Never complain and never explain." - Benjamin Disraeli
The weight of the moon is 81 billion tons.
"Watching John with the machine, it was suddenly so clear. The terminator, would never stop. It would never leave him, and it would never hurt him, never shout at him, or get drunk and hit him, or say it was too busy to spend time with him. It would always be there. And it would die, to protect him. Of all the would-be fathers who came and went over the years, this thing, this machine, was the only one who measured up. In an insane world, it was the sanest choice." - Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor in "Terminator 2: Judgement Day."
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