Weekly Update:

on or at least nothing of worth. I guess I am in a lull of sorts but looking ahead, this coming week seems it will be pretty decently full of stuff going on. I hope it doesn't get too out of control, I don't think it will but I guess you never know till it happens. OH but one thing I have been doing a lot of this week, trying to catch up and finish the Star Wars animated saga of "The Clone Wars" on Netflix. This series is so well written and the animation (to me) is pretty amazing. The enemy droids during the first season of the show really annoyed me but after that initial season, they stopped being as stupid. They are suppose to be the comic relief of the show but why? They are droids, soldiers and people are dying left and right. It is a pretty serious show but it is also pretty amazing in my opinion. They originally cancelled or stopped the series after five seasons and did a sort of half season of six but never aired it. Then Netflix got them and they have all the complete and incomplete seasons so working on finishing those up fairly soon.

After the dust has settled from the big box office battle, "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" wins for the 2nd weekend in a row with 41.4 million more. Did not expect the drop to be as high with all the rave reviews and reactions but the film did easily break the 100 mil cume mark as it now makes its way to 200 mil. At a very close 2nd place is Rio 2 with 39 mil for its debut which puts it in the expected range. At a distant #3 is Oculus with 12 mil and pretty much what I had pegged it at. Also new, at #4, is Draft Day with 9.8 mil and below expectations for everyone. Rounding off the top 5 is "Divergent" still holding on with another 7.5 mil.
Quote of the week:
"Content is king, but context is God." - Gary Vaynerchuk

Manatee's eyes close in a circular motion, much like the aperture of a camera.
"Sha'uri, what happened here?" - Alexis Cruz as Skaara in "Stargate."
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