Well I guess the heat is coming. Recently the days were very nice a cool, even had a spot of rain for an hour or two but now the days are starting to get warmer with the nights freezing. What has really been going on is the continued aftershocks from the earthquake last week! We have had over 100 earthquakes and of those, over a dozen above 4.0. But nothing is more crazy than Chili having an 8.2 off their shores which caused a tsunami right after that. Their aftershocks have been ranging in the 6.0 and higher range! Some major shifting going on lately and it has been up and down the coast. Hopefully the worst is over but you can never tell with earthquakes.
Weekly Update:
Sad week as a rising comic and legendary film actor pass away. Both on Sunday as larger than life comedian John Pinette passed away after some health issues. He was a very funny stand-up comedian with a very short film and TV career. He was 50.
The big one of the week is film legend and Hollywood royalty, Mickey Rooney, passed. He has graced the big screen for nearly 80 years and started his career as a child actor. He became one of MGM's contract actors for several years and I remember seeing a picture of about 30 A-List stars back in the day in a group photo when I worked at MGM and saw his young face in that group. To me he was one of the original "triple threats" as they dubbed those who can sing, dance and act. Rooney has been nominated for four Academy Awards and has received two special Oscars. He was also a veteran and entertained troops in the mid 40's. His list of credits is too many to name and there are too many favorites that missing one of them would be unintentionally bad. Rooney was one of Hollywood's last few remaining legends. He was 93.
At the movies:
Has Summer officially started? Each year it does get pushed forward more and more that it will get to a point where Winter/Award season ends, Summer starts! Disney/Marvel takes the gold this weekend as Captain America: The Winter Soldier earns the #1 spot with a hefty 96.2 million for its debut. Just shy of my prediction of close to 100 mil!! Drop to #2 is "Noah" with another 17 mil but should still hit the 100 mil cume mark in the next couple of weeks. Average drop to #3 is "Divergent" with another 13 mil but good enough to break the 100 mil cume mark. Small drop to #4 is "God's Not Dead" earned 7.7 mil extra and also only half the screens most have so not to bad at all. Rounding off the top 5 and going up in rank is "The Grand Budapest Hotel" earning another 6.3 mil.
Quote of the week:
"It is never too late to be what you might have been." - George Eliot
Facts & Tips:
Turning the faucet off while brushing your teeth can save up to 5 gallons of water.
"Pump, pump, pump, pump, pump, pump, pump, pump, pump, pump, Pumps Your Blood!" - Anson Williams as Potsie Weber in the TV series "Happy Days."
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