Saturday night/Sunday morning was Daylight Saving, the time were we lose an hour of sleep because we set our clocks forward. I hate this one and I say it every year. I don't mind falling back an hour but once you get that hour, do we have to give it up? What if we did it over 4 months in 15 minute increments so it is a gradual change? I mean keep the hour fall back, that is cool but give back the hour in 4 installments?? Come on, this could work!! And on top of that, it was summer-like weather all weekend long hitting high 80's during the day.

Kind of a slow and quiet week in general for me. A few minor things happened ... had a dog visit for a few days, Dakota, who was a foster here before came to visit and play all day with Orion. Those two had so much fun together and Orion needed it. They were two peas in a pod as they say. Orion was pretty sad when Dakota was picked up but he had a lot of fun. On Friday I checked out the 4th Anniversary for the Fullerton Art Walk in the Museum Courtyard. It was OK but what made it awesome was the food trucks. Of course there was too many to try so I picked the Waff-n-Roll truck. It was sandwiches but instead of bread or a tortilla wrap, they use waffles. I checked out the pulled pork and it was good but a little dry, they went light on the BBQ sauce and it made a difference. But other than that, it was pretty tasty. I think using a waffle instead of bread is a great idea for almost any sandwich. You get that perfect mix of sweet with savory.
That was pretty much it for the weekend.
At the movies:

Quote of the week:
"I used to be 'with it,' but then they changed what 'it' was. Now what I'm with isn't 'it,' and what's 'it' seems weird and scary." - Brent Forrester

Koala and humans are the only animals with unique fingerprints.
"You must be awfully proud of these maniacs." - Danny Murphy as Agent Steve Parfitt in "Me, Myself & Irene."
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