Weekly Update:
Kind of a cool week, had a bunch of meetings but that wasn't the cool part. On Monday I saw in the first recording session for the upcoming "Kung Fu Panda 3" movie. No official title so it will just be known as KFP3 till they get going and the film isn't due out till December of 2015!!!! So we have to wait a whole year and a half (at least) till we see the finished product. The storyboards looked amazing and I can't wait to see it already! DreamWorks in general has really stepped it up with solid story telling. The Animation was always there (for the most part) but a lot of times the stories were not that strong ... 90% commercial and 10% heart. Now it seems there is a shift the other way, perhaps to stay on par with Pixar and Disney? I don't know but they are getting pretty good though.

Cue John Williams music score ... the reboot of the classic "Superman" franchise Man of Steel opens to fly away with the box office on a 125.1 million cume. Word-of-mouth is very strong on this one and this reboot looks to be a SUPER success! Coming in at #2 with a two-day jump on the weekend (Wednesday opening) is the comedy This Is The End with an all star comedy cast playing themselves earning a decent 32.8 mil for the 5-day. Slight drop to #3 is "Now You See Me" with another 10.3 mil as it approaches the 100 mil cume mark. Hanging on to #4 is "Fast & Furious 6" with 9.4 mil as it races past 200 mil cume. Rounding off the top 5 with a big drop is "The Purge" with another 8.2 mil
Quote of the week:
"Email is a to-do list given to you by other people." - Alexia Tsotsis
Other News:
Top 10 Influential People Who Never Lived ... here is an pretty interesting list topic I came across. #10) Santa Claus - this one is pretty obvious and he is known as many different things in different regions and cultures but he brings out the best in folks ... most of the time. #9) Barbie - having changed over the decades as the times changed. #8) Robin Hood - a nice myth that was around during a dark time in England. Some believe he did exist which can be possible but no definitive proof has ever surfaced. #7) Cowboys - the idea of the man on a horse with a six shooter roaming the frontier never really existed but aren't those folks more considered drifters? #6) The Marlboro Man - the rugged and outdoor look of a cowboy causing lung cancer in millions. #5) Rosie the Riveter (pictured) - used to inspire woman during W.W.II to support and do their part for the war effort. #4) Daedalus and Icarus - story of the flight of man. #3) The Little Engine That Could - inspirational children's story that despite the struggles, you can do it if you try. #2) Big Brother - usually implies the government watching over you and seeing everything you do but the original created by George Orwell. #1) Romeo and Juliet - tragic love affair between two families that were at odds but the children defied them with their love and death.

On average a strawberry has 200 seeds on it.
"So much for my bustier." - Jacob Vargas as Abie Quintanilla in "Selenas."
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