Weekly Update:

*Dan Lauria - best known from "The Wonder Years" as the dad and a great guy.
*Ian Anthony Dale - from "The Event" and the first "Hangover" movie, nice guy.

No big surprises at the box office as everything turned out as expected. Only one new film this weekend and of course, who would be dumb enough to go up against it! In at #1 is the third sequel to the amazing franchise as Iron Man 3 earns a hefty 175.3 million for its debut. All the way down to the #2 spot is "Pain & Gain" with another 7.6 mil. Holding ground at #3 is "42" with 6.2 mil more. Slight drop to #4 is "Oblivion" with an extra 5.8 as it quickly closes out. Rounding off the top 5 after 7 weeks in release is "The Croods" with another 4.2 mil as it continues to chug alone. With no animated family films in the market place, this film picked up that slack as well as cashed in on a golden opportunity to fill the void.
Quote of the week:
"Ambition is the last refuge of the failure." - Oscar Wilde
Other News:
Dying careers you should avoid. This is a really informative article of the obvious but also adds the alternatives. All of it is in relation to technology and how it has changed our world. In no particular order 1) Desktop Publisher - was much needed during the era of print, everyone had to have them and in force. Now, software is so user friendly that anyone can become one. The alternative is Graphic Designer, although many folks can do this but it takes a really good creative eye and sense to be good. 2) Reporter - not a fast dying career but not booming by any means. With social media and cell phone cameras (both video and still), everyone is a reporter now. Alternative is Public Relations Specialist - more and more is needed for company PR and to protect their image even personal image and how to manipulate the press. 3) Semiconductor Processor - this is an odd one because it is still in high demand but the process in which is used is become more and more automated and efficient it is eliminating human power. Alternative is Database Administrator because control is still needed as well as input for what is needed. 4) Auto Insurance Appraiser - Lot of accidents with a lot of vehicles but what is changing this, safer cars. Alternative is Cost Estimator as companies build and sell vehicles, bottom cost comes more important. 5) Insurance Underwriters - software, plain and simple. There are automated programs and online services with just a few pieces of information can tell you and give you want you need. Alternative - Accountant or Auditor, this process hasn't been automated and not sure if it will with the little ins-and-outs that need to be taken into consideration.

The jaguar, the largest cat in the Western Hemisphere, once lived all over the southern US.
"You are going to take a weekend trip to Paris! Did I just sound like Don Pardo?" - Julie Kavner as Brenda Morgenstern in the TV series "Rhoda."
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