Weekly Update:
So aside from the heat on Sunday, I actually got stuck in it for the better part of the day. It was pretty dang hot but it was for a good cause. I helped out with a special event called Explore-a-Story which helps promote reading, books and kids all rolled into one. The event had all kinds of activities including face painting, autographs from authors and celebrities reading some stories. Food sponsored by California Pizza Kitchen and it was pretty tasty. The sponsors really made this event happen because both CPK and Nestle (which provided all the beverages) provided so much food, drinks and staff! During the day, I did get to meet and get some pics from folks who I haven't met before:
*Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa- Met him before but got a pic this time and is a pretty cool guy. Some say could be the next California Governor.
*Miranda Cosgrove- I remember her as one of the kids from the film "School of Rock" and was very sweet.
*Madison Pettis- The cute little girl from the film "The Game Plan" and was very charming.
*Jesse McCartney- Don't really know who he is other than the voice of Theodore from the recent film "Alvin and The Chipmunks" but all the teenage girls were going crazy for him.

The remake at the box office wins top honors as 17 Again chimes in with 24 million this weekend. Switching gears to a more serious film, in at #2 is the drama State of Play with 14.1 mil. Hanging in to #3 is the comedy animated feature "Monsters Vs. Aliens" with another 12.9 mil. Dropping down to #4 is "Hannah Montana: The Movie" with 12.7 mil as it quickly fizzles out. Rounding off the top 5 this weekend is "Fast and Furious" with another 12.3 mil and sure to be its last appearance on the top 5.
New movies that did not make the top 5: Just one this week as the action packed film Crank: High Voltage comes in at the #6 spot with only 6.5 mil and simply out of juice on this one.
Quote of the week:
"Behind every great fortune there is a crime." - Honore de Balzac
Other News:

AOL is getting cool? This is interesting, if you go to AOL.com they have links there that connect you to other various websites or rather make it a one-stop shop. From AOL.com, you can connect to your facebook or myspace pages. I suppose the saying, "if you can't beat them, join them" applies here and that is a wise move on their part. Sort of makes AOL relevant again in this day and age of competing websites that vie for your attention. Nice move there because as far as I know the other sites do not offer the same service back. AOL even took it a step further and placed their #1 competitor (at least I think so) on there as a link, gmail. Throw in the news, search engine and instant messenger service (AIM), it really does make it the best source to visit first. I do have to hand it to them, they have really stepped it up and in this crazy Internet world and the many facets that we all use and look at ... are now rolled into one! If anything, it has made them hip again.

The Pacific island of Nauru's economy is almost entirely based on bird droppings.
I'm training the world's most dominant pug. He's going through a bulking phase." - John Cena as Detective Danny Fisher in "12 Rounds."
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