Weekly Update:
I did squat all week long ... and I LOVED IT!! Having the whole house to myself over the weekend was kind of lonely but I did catch up on a lot of sleep. The power of the nap, catch it! Our weather was kind of funky though because for several days I was expecting rain yet we got none. I think it rained once to just cover the ground to make it look wet but from the forecast, I think we were suppose to have about 5 days of rain from Tuesday through Sunday off-and-on. One of the days it was suppose to rain and be cold actually turned out to be very sunny and hit 80's degrees ... what in the world??
At the movies:

Making her way for the box office crown is Hannah Montana: The Movie earning a decent 34 million and the #1 spot this weekend. Hanging on to #2 is "Fast and Furious" with an extra 28.8 mil and now over the 100 mil cume already. Still strong at #3 is "Monsters Vs. Aliens" earning an additional 22.6 mil as it heads closer to 150 mil total. New at #4 is Observe and Report with only 11.1 mil which I am sure is below all exceptions. Rounding off the top 5 is "Knowing" with another 6.7 mil.
New movies that did not make the top 5: Only one this week and I am sure well below Fox's expectations as Dragonball: Evolution shows up at #8 and with only 4.7 mil. Sad thing is I was hoping more from this film as Stephen Chow (Kung Fu Hustle, Shaolin Soccer) produced this movie however was not in it which could have been the problem.
Quote of the week:
"The most radical revolutionary will become a conservative the day after the revolution." - Hannah Arendt
Other News:
Here is an interesting list, and you know me, I like lists!! This is a list of Film Flops and Fiascoes from movie history and in no particular order:
*Dune (1984) - I think this was more of a financial disaster than a terrible movie. Very confusing in general but I did enjoy the original full-length feature.
*Ishtar (1987) - This was bad on all levels.
*Hudson Hawk (1991) - I know folks who love this movie but I thought it was pretty lame and deserving to be on this list.
*Solider (1998) - I liked this one, not GREAT but a solid sci-fi action film.
*Wild Wild West (1999) - Yeah, this was pretty awful and has a interesting back story with the big robotic spider.
*Battlefield Earth (2000) - Goes to show you that L.Ron Hubbard is NOT a great writer and this inspired movie ... should be on the top of this list!
*The Adventures of Pluto Nash (2002) - I think this will haunt Eddie Murphy forever!
*Planet of the Apes (2001) - Remake of a classic ... that shouldn't have been re-made this way.

*Waterworld (1995) - Had some fun moments but ... wow did it suck otherwise.
*3000 Miles to Graceland (2001) - Wow, bad has a new name ... Kevin Costner.
*The Postman (1997) - I actually liked some of this but not an overall good film.
*Gigli (2003) - This should be on the top of every list out there for worst films ever.
Facts & Tips:

A blue whale's heart is the size of a Volkswagen Beetle.
"Okay, Frodo." - January Jones as Cadence Flaherty in "American Wedding."
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