Weekly Update:

So we just picked up DirecTV for the house and it was a lengthy process in setting it up. One would think the dish would have been the issue but nope, it was trying to figure out the many locations we now have TV. Some drilling and lots of cable, it looks like it will work out and when we have guest, they can enjoy some TV of their own. Some clean up is needed later for the cables but for now, it is just fine. I have enjoyed TiVo for the past few years. Now that DirecTV has its own DVR and cheaper with it being in multiple rooms, it will be time to cancel TiVo. It is sad to see TiVo go, which they pretty much revolutionized that part of the industry is one of the biggest causalities of it.

Definitely no surprise here as the caped crusader takes the box office crown this week! The Dark Knight comes in with a big opening weekend earning 158.3 million and breaking all previous opening non-holiday records. Singing in at #2 this week is the romantic musical Mamma Mia! based off the popular Broadway play (which was based on hit songs from the musical group ABBA) as it earns 27.6 mil. Hanging in at #3 is "Hancock" with an extra 14 mil and just shy of the 200 mil cume mark. Slight drop to #4 is "Journey to the Center of the Earth 3-D" with another 11.9 mil and surprisingly still in the top 5! Rounding off the top 5 is "Hellboy II: The Golden Army" with an extra 10 mil.
New movies that did not make the top 5: Looks like Fox does it again for the 2nd week in a row but this one was a bit better than the last one. The kid friendly film Space Chimps earns only 7.4 mil at the box office.
Quote of the Week:
"All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players." - William Shakespeare
Other News:

Interesting growth going on around Orange County that I have noticed lately. I have noticed a lot of apartments and condos being built and while those remain completely empty, more are being built near-by. Does that make any sense to build additional homes while the current ones can not be filled to begin with? I thought it was due to possibly being different companies but they have the same look and same style. Some of the locations even share similar names but with a slight twist. That is just here but what about across the country? It looks like the market is pretty bad right now as this one person in Easton, Maryland is trying to sell her house and you get a free car when you do. This isn't an original idea because several of the condos around here are offering free golf carts with every purchase and those can run up to $15,000 which is the price of a cheap car these days. SLOW down on the building, why keep building more if the lot across the street is still 100% vacant??!
Facts & Tips:
To remove crayon marks from walls, use a hairdryer to heat the wax.

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