Hola amigos! Today is the 5th of May or more commonly known in the states as Cinco de Mayo. A Hispanic holiday celebrated by all. But what is the history behind it? Simply the day commemorates the victory of Mexican forces led by General Igancio Seguin over french forces at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862. I am not sure what has made this particular occasion so important considering the French invaded Mexico City a year later occupying it. The actual day of Mexico's Independence is on September 16th but I guess Cinco de Mayo sounds like a party name or has a holiday tone to it. Celebrate muchachos y muchachas!
Weekly Update:
The week started off pretty good, half the office was gone so it was nice and quiet. I got into a little fender-bender on Friday so my car is out till further notice and I am driving around a rental. All they had were SUV's and though pretty comfortable, parking is difficult. It's already hard finding a small parking spot at work and in-around LA but now, ouch. At least the accident wasn't my fault so that is something, I was even stopped when it happened.
At the movies:

The man of steel takes the box office crown! No no, not that man of steel but Iron Man as he kicks off the summer for the industry opening with a huge 100.8 million! I am sure this number exceeded a lot of expectations for everyone. In at a very distant #2 is Made of Honor with 15.5 mil. Holding in at #3 is "Baby Mama" with an extra 10.3 mil, not a bad drop at all. At #4 is "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" with another 6.1 mil. Suffering a big drop down to #5 is "Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay" with only 4.2 mil and struggling.
Comment Response:
Nice spam/virus link, thanks spammer.
President Bush makes more history!! Since Presidential approval ratings were first started to be tracked in the 1930's, current president Bush has marked a milestone. He has now raised the bar and currently 71% of Americans disapprove of his handling of the job. He shocks us yet again (well, not really) with his dedication to making America gre ... ok, seriously, we suck. The best President who had the lowest disapproval rating was John F. Kennedy with only 30% however I do wonder how that would reflect with today's issues and population. Bush did manage to beat out top runners Harry S. Truman (67%) and Richard Nixon (66%) for top honors. Congrats president Bush on making history!
Facts & Tips:

Thailand means "Land of the free."
"Uh, I'm Irish-German."- Ed Begley, Jr as Mark Schaefer, Hotel Manager in "Best in Show."
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