Weekly Update:
So most of last week I spent up north in the San Francisco bay area and I have to say, it was a nice trip although very tiring. I think I haven't really recovered from my surgery so traveling is harder for me right now. I get tired faster and just trying to sleep or get comfortable is pretty difficult at times. It was like that in Vegas but even more so because of all the running around and craziness that comes with Vegas. The weather was nice (for me) and had some good eats as well. I always say its a nice place to visit but not sure if I would want to live there. I thought LA traffic was bad! I mean it is but at least I have options. In SF you really don't.

Horror gets the box office crown this weekend as Prom Night earns a hefty 22.7 million in its debut weekend. New at #2 is Street Kings with only 12 mil to open. Holding strong at #3 is "21" with another 11 mil. Still surviving at #4 is "Nim's Island" with an extra 9 mil. Scoring some extra points at #5 is "Leatherheads" with 6.2 mil more but the game is about out of time on this one.
New movies that did not make the top 5: Just one this week as Smart People shows up at #7 with only 4.2 mil to open. Either people were smart enough to not see it or there are too few smart people to know about it.
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Other News:

The famous baseball #762 hit by Barry Bonds went on auction for a small sum of around $376k. This is pretty small considering it is the last ball Bonds hit to date and the record-breaking 756 ball sold at $752k. So why the low sum for the record holding ball so far? Bonds isn't playing at the moment and no one is near the record as of yet. Could it also be a low bid simply because many feel the record is tainted with his steroids use (allegedly but seriously, come on now). The Giants did not bring Bonds back this season and so far he has found no takers on the free agency market. I guess they simply do not want a player who can't play nice with others.

Camel's milk does not curdle.
"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father prepare to die."- Mandy Patinkin as Inigo Montoya in "The Princess Bride."
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