Weekly Update:
They say the more the merrier ... not sure if that applies to animals or not. So a couple of weeks ago the one dog we were fostering was adopted and we do miss Mabel very much. She was an older, sweet and gentle German Shepherd who really couldn't hurt a fly unless said fly accidentally flew into her open mouth and she closed it ... then sure, she could I suppose. Last Thursday we received a new foster named Ava and she is much younger (about 4 years old) and very active. She is almost non-stop and actually wears you out quiet easily and still have energy for more. She knows her commands VERY well so outside of dealing with her energy, she is a well behaved dog. THEN, Sunday morning we picked up another foster ... while still having Ava. This one is Onyx (terrible name) and she is only about 2 years old but very calm. She isn't really good with commands yet but she just likes to be around people and veg out. The two of them are getting along ok with some minor issues but hopefully that will go away in the next day or two. So, we go from no dog, to one dog, back to no dog, to another dog and then another! We have become our own little kennel club and both dogs are German Shepherds or mix of.
At the movies:

No surprise here as Funny People film but about average for a takes the #1 spot this week and also no surprise it only brings in 23.4 million. A low number for a SandlerApatow movie. Holding in at #2 is "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" with another 17.7 mil and now past the 250 mil cume mark. Dropping to #3 is "G-Force" with 17.1 mil. Steady drop to #4 is "The Ugly Truth" with another 13 mil as this R-Rated laugher is falling short of overall expectations. Rounding off the top 5 and new to the scene is Aliens in the Attic with an expected 7.8 mil and probably the only time we see it on the top 5 charts.
New movies that did not make the top 5: Just one this week as the suspense-thriller The Collector with an above expectation of only 3.6 mil and that made it enough to rank #11 this week. Personally I thought it would make only 2 mil so it beat my estimations.
Quote of the week:
"In general, the art of government consists in taking as much money as possible from one class of the citizens to give to the other." - Voltaire

Former President of the Philippines Corazon Aquino who swept away a dictator with the power of the people revolt and then brought democracy and sustained it by fighting off seven coups attempts in a six year span, has died on Saturday. Aquino was the first female leader of the island country and led an uprising in 1986 which ended a 20-year regime under Ferdinand Marcos. Her nonviolent protests inspired a world-wide movement which also guided the end of Communism in Eastern Europe. She carried about her a trademark look of a yellow dress along with her rounded eye-glasses which made her a beloved figure for the country. Because of that she was looked upon more like a relative rather than a leader. Last year, Aquino was diagnosed with colon cancer which later spread and made her too weak to continue treatments. From her political life, she ran a troubled country for 6 years where she stepped down in 1992. Despite her leaving the office, she remained very active in both social and political causes. She was 76.
Facts & Tips:

The sun evaporates about a trillion tons of water a day. "How do you get to Fort Courage? That's easy. You take a right at the rock that looks like a bear, then a left at the bear that looks like a rock..." - Larry Storch as Corporal Randolph Agarn in the TV series "F Troop."
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