It's the national BBQ day! Well, not really but that is what this day has become more-or-less but with a side of remembering those who have served and passed in our armed forces throughout the centuries. As far back as the war for independence (1776) to as recent as those stationed abroad in Afghanistan and Iraq still. Even those who are in the country and something has happened while serving to just in a neighboring country watching out for our interests. I hope those still living and serving are able to enjoy a BBQ at least while we take some pause on those who served before them.

It sure has been an odd week in both weather and time ... weather was just weird with a lot of clouds, some rain and cold breezes ... or what I call perfect weather! But the weather isn't the odd thing this week believe it or not ... time is! I've lost the concept of time and I think the quick naps are throwing my whole time table off ... I think. But the other morning I woke up 5 minutes before my alarm and I thought it was a day later. That has never happened to me before but what I have done is fallen asleep after work and then waken up to just go to bed. This has been happening more often than not and its hurting my eyes too. I get blurry vision at a distance a lot but Sunday morning it was ALMOST normal but then again I got to sleep in! So, I think I just need some sleep to readjust my off time warp and maybe help my sight a bit?

Surprise at #1 but not because it's at the top but the gross it brought in! New at #1 is Solo: A Star Wars Story with a 3-day total of only 83.3 million. Estimated holiday projections put it just over 100 mil but that could change as weather across most of the country is really good for outdoor holiday activities which do not include going to the movies. Suffering from mediocre reviews, this film will struggle to pass 200 mil cume. It should do well globally and in the after markets but really needed that domestic number. Drop down to #2 is "Deadpool 2" with another 42.7 mil and now just past 200 mil. Drops indicate it may not reach 300 mil but seems solid for this film and for Fox. Holding ground at #3 in its 5th week is "Avengers: Infinity War" with an extra 16.5 mil as it makes its way to 650 mil cume! Slight drop to #4 is "Book Club" with 9.5 mil and should cap off around 50 mil. Rounding off the top 5 is "Life of the Party" with 5.1 mil and the party should be over after this weekend.
Quote of the week:
"The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off your souls." - Pablo Picasso

Facts & Tips:
Australia's first police force was made up of the most well-behaved convicts.
"I wish he (Jim) would take smaller bites of my dessert." - Conner Rayburn as Kyle in "According to Jim."
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