Weekly Update:

ace is simply awesome and fun to just hang out and I am glad I am able to bring guests there to chill out and have fun as well. Then on Saturday it was the annual Hollygrove Halloween Party for all the foster families. Everyone had a great time and it is always such a special event because we do family portraits for them which many say each year, that is the only family picture they get because they can't afford real ones. Later that night was busy as well with a bunch of busy work so I didn't get home till about 11PM and I left that morning from the house at 8AM ... I was tired.

"Gravity" finally falls out of 1st place as the reality comedy Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa crashes in with an incredible 32 million for its debut. That crew always seems to do well when they do come out with a movie roughly every 4 years ... probably takes them long to heal up but this one took a different approach of scarring a little kid up for life. Even though "Gravity" fell to 2nd place this week, it still had a very solid number of 20.3 mil for it's 4th week and JUST shy of 200 mil cume (talking less than $200,000). Slight drop to #3 is "Captain Phillips" earning 11.8 mil extra as it climbs the ladder to a potential 100 mil cume domestic. New at #4 is The Counselor with only 8 mil to open. Rounding off the top 5 is "Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2" gaining another 6.1 mil as it just crosses the 100 mil cume mark after 5 weeks in the top 5.
Quote of the week:"What we call luck is the inner man externalized. We make things happen to us." - Robertson Davies

Lemons are more acidic than vinegar.
"It's "Flashdance", Dave. She's a welder, isn't she!" - Robert Carlyle as Gaz in "The Full Monty."
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